Mbemba’s big punchline on the club’s ambitions

Chancel Mbemba, the OM defender, tackled the club’s ambitions at the start of the season.

It turned out to be one of the best shots of OM’s last transfer window. Arrived free from FC Porto, Chancel Mbemba quickly put the Marseille supporters in the pocket despite a slightly more complicated end to the season. While Olympique de Marseille will finish third in Ligue 1, it will have to go through the play-offs to validate its objective from the start of the season, namely to qualify for the Champions League. A goal that the 28-year-old defender did not hesitate to question.

Mbemba plays the title!

In an interview with Canal+Afrique, the Congolese international does not understand how the club cannot play for the title: “When I arrived here, in my head it was to play for the title. Too bad, the club does not play the title. He plays the qualification in the Champions League only. The title will be the project. Me, I played in Porto. The spirit of Porto has already entered my blood. Every year he plays for the title. Why not here ? After that gives doubt because in my head it’s the title. When I land in a club, it’s the title. It takes even more in Marseille to get there. I haven’t arrived yet. I still need to take steps.”

The message has clearly got through!

2023-05-31 11:02:04
#Mbembas #big #punchline #clubs #ambitions


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