Martial arts, in Palermo a technical pole of the wrestling, judo and karate federation

“A technical pole of the wrestling, judo, karate and martial arts federation will soon arise in Palermo thanks to the synergy between the Municipality of Palermo, Coni Sicilia and the national leaders of Fijlkam”. This was stated by Sabrina Figuccia, Councilor for Tourism, Sport and Youth Policies of the Municipality of Palermo.

“Together with the mayor Roberto Lagalla – continues the councilor – I met Domenico Falcone and Giovanni Morsiani, president and national vice president of the federation, Sergio D’Antoni, president of Coni Sicily and Fabio Gioia, member of the regional council Coni During the meeting, the importance, also social, of these sports disciplines (of which Palermo enjoys an illustrious tradition) clearly emerged, which have aggregation and inclusion as their peculiarities, which convey important messages on the value of sport understood above all as physical exercise, accompanied, why not, also by self-defense, perhaps in neighborhoods where many young people do not find suitable spaces to play sports.This is why creating a federal technical center, in addition to hosting top athletes, will certainly be a point of reference for our kids who want to approach these disciplines, certainly tiring, but which can also give a lot of satisfaction”.

2023-05-12 11:01:05
#Martial #arts #Palermo #technical #pole #wrestling #judo #karate #federation


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