Landi and Mainieri present “The day of Pesaro basketball in the 60s and beyond”

Appointment on Saturday 13 May, from 11, at the Cinema Astra in via Rossini. Della Dora and Pozzi: “A wonderful initiative that enhances the sporting culture of the city”

from the Municipality of Pesaro

An event to give due recognition to the social role of parish basketball, which over the years has given life to Pesaro’s unbridled passion for the ball. It is “The day of Pesaro basketball from the 60s and beyond”, scheduled for Saturday 13 May, from 11 at the Cinema Astra, born from an idea of Mariano Landiorganized in collaboration with the Municipality of Pesaro e Pino Mainieri.

«A wonderful initiative that enhances the sporting culture of the city – said the councilor for Sport Mila Della Dora– and which reminds us of the values ​​and real function of sport: sharing, growing, being together. If Pesaro has basketball in its DNA, it is also thanks to many players who have made history by practicing basketball as a social redemption, believing in it to the end».

“I thank Mariano Landi and Pino Mainieri for having become promoters and organizing this initiative with a strong social and sporting value – commented the councilor for Fare Riccardo Pozzi –. In Pesaro you can breathe the basketball air every day, thanks to the history and passion of an entire generation of players born on the parish courts».

On Saturday morning at the Cinema Astra certificates will be given to the Pesaro companies that have made history: Rondinelle Pesaro (1939), GUF and GIL (1940), Victoria Pesaro (46)- Vuelle (65), Delfino (63), Loreto Pesaro ( 65), Lupo Pesaro (65), Falco Pesaro (71). «During the initiative – Mainieri explained – the clubs will exhibit relics of their history: jerseys, balls, pennants, photographs. It will be a festive morning dedicated to sport, we invite all the fans of the parish clubs to participate».

He also contributed to the realization of the event Secret Pesarothrough the reproduction of interviews (such as the one with Enzo Rossi, screened today at the conference) and photographs of the time.

The mind and heart of “Pesaro basketball day in the 60s and beyond” is Mariano Landi: «An idea that arises from the need to raise awareness of the basketball history of our city and tell the social value of the “parish teams”, thanks to the which the passion for modern basketball took shape».

The memory of the parish teams is a precious story to be preserved and handed down, as explained by Leonardo Lagò, a researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, who is carrying out a project (in co-financing with the Marche Region) which has as its object the social function of basketball in the city: «the objective is to reconstruct the history of the neighborhood clubs and the role they played in starting up the practice of sport, which led Pesaro to become a city of basketball. We invite citizens, by 1 June, to bring documents concerning any type of basketball experience to the Iscop headquarters, to make them an historical archive available on Memorie di Marca. Memory Of Brand it is the space, initially conceived for the cultural institutes, private subjects and public administrations of the Marche Region, in which to make one’s cultural heritage usable through the publication of digital objects of any format».

2023-05-09 15:42:50
#Landi #Mainieri #present #day #Pesaro #basketball #60s


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