Koh Lanta, the sacred fire: “he calls his whole life into question”, Gilles betrays Quentin and makes internet users laugh

Par VanessaR

This Tuesday, May 2 in Koh Lanta, the sacred fire, Gilles betrayed Quentin. And it quickly made people react. melty tells you more here.

The adventure continues for the candidates of Koh Lanta, the sacred fire and the episode of Tuesday May 2 started very strongly! For the test of comfort, the adventurers took part in the famous game of archery. They directly understood that the reward would have a link with their loved ones. And they were right! The key for the person who will win: a meal and a night away from camp, a phone call to a loved one and a trip to the Philippines ! This race was won by Gilles who decided to leave in comfort with Nicolas. A hard blow for Quentin who had chosen Gilles for the final of this event…

Back on the camp, Quentin did not lose his temper. very upset with Gilleshe let it be known that he had been too nice in choosing him and that he should have kept Esteban for the final. Besides, for him, it is out of the question for Gilles to come and give him explanations on his return from comfort. He clearly has no intention of listening to her. This ordeal has clearly weakened the alliances of men, since on its side Frédéric went up against Nicolas who eliminated him on the simple pretext that he has no children.

” That makes me laugh too much”

This ordeal also reacted on Twitter and Internet users still found that Quentin was doing too much. Among the comments posted were: « Quentin who calls his whole life into question because Gilles did not choose him… I’m sorry but it makes me laugh too much (…) Gilles who does not choose Quentin, I really like it (…) Bah Quentin ? Where is your lucky star? (…) Quentin who puts his whole life in question for an arrow.“Once again, Internet users did not mince words with Quentin!

2023-05-02 20:41:36
#Koh #Lanta #sacred #fire #calls #life #question #Gilles #betrays #Quentin #internet #users #laugh


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