Karl Toko Ekambi responds to supporter banners

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On Friday evening, OL won 3-1 against Monaco. During the match, the supporters present in the north bend unfurled several banners. The first was for Jean-Michel Aulas, the former president to whom they paid tribute. The second was more acidic. It was intended for Karl Toko Ekambi, who did not have a good relationship with the fans. “Karl Toko is thinking about the transfer window. We don’t want to see you again with our jersey on!”they wrote.

Loaned to Stade Rennais, the Cameroonian, who emptied his bag on OL last month, is not welcome. On his Instagram account, he responded in his own way to this killer banner. On a black background, he placed a laughing emoji with the message “soon” (soon, editor’s note). The reunion, if it happens, promises to be explosive.

To read
OL: Laurent Blanc tackles the supporters

Pub. the 20/05/2023 00:19
MAY laugh 20/05/2023 01:22

2023-05-19 22:19:32
#Karl #Toko #Ekambi #responds #supporter #banners


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