JUDO – YOUTH ANALAMANGA – Esca makes the difference

Untouchable. The judokas of the Sacred Heart School club of Antanimena (Esca) dominated the debates at the Analamanga championship in the categories of chicks and youngest. The regional summit took place on Saturday at the Ankorondrano gymnasium. This flagship club of the capital and the country has recently shone in national competitions organized by the federation this season. Esca climbed to first place in the medal table with eight gold, five silver and one bronze. Saint-Michel, for its part, garnered nineteen medals including six precious metals, eight silver medals, five bronze and is in second position. The young club La Porte judo d’Ambohidratrimo, which was founded four years ago, completed the podium by winning six gold, four silver and six bronze medals. Another young club in the capital, Do Judo, finished off the podium with five golds, two silvers and seven bronzes. The competition brought together more than two hundred participants from the twelve Analamanga clubs. After the regional game dedicated to chicks and youngest, it’s time for the Analamanga championship for minors and veterans, on June 17.

2023-05-30 03:23:32
#JUDO #YOUTH #ANALAMANGA #Esca #difference


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