Judo legends triumph in Upper Austria

The third and last day of Judo Grand Prix in Upper Austria promised to be rich in emotions… The local crowd warmly welcomed the Olympic medalists Michaela Polleres et Shamil Borchasviliwho even agreed to a discussion before the start of the tournament.

Two -90 kg veterans contested the first final of the day. Despite an initial disagreement over the score, Krisztián Tóth et Axel Clerget, showed respect and friendship throughout the match… Two key values ​​of judo. She’s the MP Agnes Sirkka Prammer who presented the medals.

In those under 78 kg, it’s time for revenge. The former world champion, the German Anna-Maria Wagner countered the attack Madeleine Malonga and earned a gold medal retainer…a celebration she shared with her local fans. She received her medal from the IJF refereeing supervisor, Tina Trstenjak.

“A lot of people from my country came, and my parents were also there. A nice crowd and during the final, I heard applause for me, so that was really cool” commented on his victory Anna-Maria Wagner.

The Brazilian Leonardo Goncalves was in top form all day, and his lightning-fast attack in the final against the German Louis Mai earned him the -100 kg gold medal. A great opportunity for local fans to get the autograph of a rising judo star. He was awarded his medal by the IJF Refereeing Supervisor, Bukhbat Mashbat.

In those over 78 kg, Takahashi Ruri won gold, with a quick pass on the tatami. The medals were presented by the IJF refereeing supervisor, Mr. Joseph Maddaloni.

The double Olympic champion Lukáš Krpálek was back in the over 100 kg, after only competing at -100 kg 2 weeks ago at the World Championships. He won a tactical gold medal and then met the local fans. “I like the Austrian people, the Austrian atmosphere, and also the Austrian league. That’s why I come here, and participate in this competition. Because I like all the competitions that take place in Austria” commented his victoire Lukáš Krpálek.

The medals were presented by the Director of Chief Referees of the IJF, Armen Bagdasarov.

Austrian fans were hungry for medals, and the home side did not disappoint. Under the cheers of the crowd, Thomas Scharfetter concluded this incredibly successful first event for Austrian judo and the region of Upper Austria. Scenes of joy, cheers and adulations, echoing in the nearby mountains.

2023-05-27 22:53:23
#Judo #legends #triumph #Upper #Austria


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