Judo Camv Villena in the Formentera del Segura judo trophy | Radio Villena


We participated in the Infant, Benjamin, Prebenjamín and Mini Benjamin categories, Paco Beltrán has highlighted us in the SER DEPORTIVOS program of Radio Villena SER

Lucas García made his debut in the children’s category, getting silver in his first season as a judoka. It has been a great experience and we are sure that it will give us many joys.

In the Benjamin category there were also premieres, Emma Campos got the silver, fighting with more experienced judokas.

Mireia Hernández made her debut in a competition, taking bronze, having a good performance to continue progressing.

The CAMV Judo in Formentera del Segura / Photograph. JudoCA

In Prebenjamín our young judokas had very good feelings.

Alaia Muñoz got the silver in this her 1st competitive experience, our young judoka told us that she wanted to go to compete to have a new experience, without a doubt it has been a great day for her.

On the other hand, the surprise was given by Guillermo Estevan in his 2nd edition in San Roque, he would also take the silver, after 4 hard fights he beat more experienced judokas, he missed the final by half a point difference.

Ismael López made his debut doing a very good job, winning 2 fights and giving up another 2, getting the silver. without a doubt another great judoka who will give us much joy.

Finally, in the mini Benjamin category, Gonzalo Richart participated, a pre-fight activity was held, where all the participants had several fights with colleagues from the clubs that met in this edition of the San Roque trophy.

This less competitive and more socializing initiative makes the youngest of our judokas begin to become familiar with the competition environment, where everyone receives a participation medal, which will surely be a good memory for these mini-judokas.

The CAMV Judo in Formentera del Segura / Photograph. Judo CAMV

2023-05-09 13:41:43
#Judo #Camv #Villena #Formentera #del #Segura #judo #trophy #Radio #Villena


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