Jersey sponsors in the NFL? It’s not relevant

As long as Roger Goodell is the boss, there probably won’t be any NFL kit ads.

It’s not tomorrow that advertising will disfigure NFL jerseys. Nor in the medium term.

A few days ago, the Sports Business Journal has toured the league, franchises and sponsors. And the result is simple. Jersey sponsors in the NFL? Roger Goodell does not want it.

“Tell me the year when Roger Goodell’s contract ends and that will be the year when sponsors will be allowed in this league,” an NFL franchise president said anonymously.

Roger Goodell’s new contract is just being finalized. We are talking about an extension until the end of the 2027 season.

“Generally they (the NFL) are last in new markets, […] I can believe that they will be the league that will not sell advertising space on their jerseys, ”admits Elizabeth Lindsey, one of the directors of the marketing agency Wasserman.

The NFL doesn’t need shirt sponsors’ money

If the time-outs are cheerfully filled with advertisements, the NFL jerseys remain preserved from the sponsors. And the two are somewhat related. Because the revenues of the NFL, in particular the immense TV rights, assure him of what to preserve the holding of the players of any brand.

“The NFL doesn’t have a revenue imperative to push jersey advertising,” Lindsey adds.

On the side of the league, we do not expect an upheaval either.

“I’ve learned to never say never, but I don’t foresee that happening, at least not in the near future,” said Jason Wright, director of jerseys and equipment for the NFL. at “I think we’re proud of having clean shirts. Anyway, I am. »

In 2009, the NFL began allowing practice jersey ads. It looked like a first step towards the arrival of sponsors on match kits. Finally, fourteen years later, it is still not on the agenda.

The NFL is also the only one of the four major American sports leagues that does not have advertising on and around the grounds.

2023-05-26 10:46:40
#Jersey #sponsors #NFL #relevant


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