it is being investigated for femicide or instigation to suicide

Disappearance of Giulia Tramontano, latest news

The 29-year-old Giulia Tramontano disappeared in the night between Saturday and Sunday 28 May. The Public Prosecutor’s Office is now also investigating feminicide or inciting suicide, with searches concentrated in an area close to the girl’s home in Senago.

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Disappearance of Giulia Tramontano, latest news

Starting today evening, Wednesday 31 May, Giulia Tramontano’s research will focus in a more limited area. There has been no news of the 29-year-old of Neapolitan origins residing in Senago, and 7 months pregnant, but now the carabinieri, firefighters and civil protection have decided to narrow the search to the area near a baseball field of the municipality north of Milan, not far from the house that the girl shares with her boyfriend. Meanwhile, according to what learned from Fanpage.itthe prosecutor is investigating for suspected feminicide. Mind Ansa also reports the hypothesis of the investigators of instigation to suicide.

The last traces of Giulia Tramontano

For the investigators, in fact, there would be too many unclear elements and it would have been too long since his disappearance. Tramontano’s last traces are a message she sent to a friend of hers around 9pm on Saturday and a video that takes her outside her home around 9.30pm the same evening.

In the WhatsApp sent to her friend, the 29-year-old said she felt very shaken and upset after an argument with her partner. According to what has been reconstructed, it seems that relations between the two cracked a few hours before that message due to the suspicion that the 29-year-old’s boyfriend may have a relationship with another woman.

Who is Giulia Tramontano and how to recognize her: photos and description of the 29-year-old who disappeared pregnant

It was her 30-year-old boyfriend who reported her missing. You told investigators that you left the house on Sunday morning to go to work. Then he would come back in the afternoon and the 29-year-old was not there. According to his version, at that moment he would have decided to file a complaint.

According to the family, the 29-year-old had no reason to leave

The additional prosecutor Letizia Mannella and the prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo have therefore decided to start an investigation to voluntary removal and which now would not exclude the hypothesis of femicide or instigation to suicide. The investigation is conducted by the carabinieri of the Milan investigative unit and the Rho company who in the past few hours have captured camera images around Tramontano’s house and heard some witnesses.

Among these, also the girl’s mother. The woman said she was already worried on Sunday morning, given that her daughter he hadn’t called her as she used to do. Furthermore, according to the family, the 29-year-old would have had no reason to leave suddenly. During the search of her home, the girl’s passport and ATM were not found, nor was her phone, which has not been active since late Saturday evening.

In the next few hours, with the help of molecular dogs, firefighters and civil protection, searches will continue in the area near the baseball field of Senago. An area close to the home of Tramontano and her boyfriend which also includes a wooded area.

2023-05-31 16:51:16
#investigated #femicide #instigation #suicide


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