Hundreds of schoolchildren at the Olympics

Lorris. Nearly 650 schoolchildren gathered around sport during the Lorric Olympics. On Thursday and Friday, nearly 650 pupils from schools in the former canton of Lorris, from CP to CM2, took part in the Olympiads, a school sports festival on the theme of Olympism. The children and their teachers took over the various sports structures in the town (football field and gymnasium) as well as the Salle Blanche-de-Castille to practice various activities.

This meeting mobilized all the sports educators of the community of municipalities (which also took charge of the transport of schoolchildren) and the sports associations of the disciplines concerned which made volunteer supervisors available. To provide a bridge between primary and middle school, which made its contribution, a sixth grade class provided supervision for primary school students. “The objective of this meeting was for the children to come together around the values ​​of sport and Olympism”, notes Mathieu Morlet, sports educator. Footwork, agility, mobility, all the muscles were solicited through the many disciplines offered: collective games (handball, basketball, football, lawn hokey, etc.), athletics, tennis, table tennis, judo, climbing, biathlon, disc golf, archery…

2023-05-28 04:10:12
#Hundreds #schoolchildren #Olympics


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