How to help a child make friends without difficulty

How to help a child make friends? Kids seem to have a busier schedule than ever as we keep them going from one activity or sports workout to another. Some are able to jump into social situations quickly, while others struggle.

What if your child is not the social type or prefers to be alone at recess or after school? As a parent, there are a few ways you can help him.

If your child doesn’t seem to make friends like other children their age, they may need some coaching and practicing simple social skills.

How to help a child make friends without difficulty

Model positive social behavior

Children truly learn by example, so pay attention to how you interact with others.

Whenever you strike up a conversation with friends or neighbors, or even the supermarket cashier, your child is listening. Almost every scenario becomes a learning opportunity, allowing your child to see how you participate, interact, and solve any problems.

Conversation exercises at home

If your tween or teen is having trouble starting conversations at lunchtime or during downtime at school, sit down and practice at home. Discuss what topics interest him and what he might talk about with other kids. Try different options until he finds something that comes naturally to him.

Give your child a head start

If your child wants to play baseball but is reluctant to start, go to the field with him and throw the ball so he can settle in early. Go to the first workout early so you can get there before the others start arriving and the scene gets more chaotic.

If he wants to take swimming lessons, let him have a couple of private lessons before joining a full class, so he’ll already build up some confidence.

Reinforce and praise

Make the exercise of trying new things exciting and rewarding. Even when your child is only making slow progress, be sure to reinforce his efforts.

Acknowledge each small success and tell the child how proud you are that he keeps trying.

Spin the ball

For younger children, setting up a play date with just one other child is often a good idea. If the child is older, you could open the house by inviting the baseball team over for pizza and a movie.

Especially in the beginning, the goal is to help your child feel comfortable with socializing and make it a positive experience.


2023-05-18 17:04:10
#child #friends #difficulty


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