Handball: PSG strikes a blow in Kiel

PSG is off to a good start. Very well even. At half-time in the Champions League quarter-final, the capital club took a real option against Kiel. On German soil, the French champion won by four goals (27-31) after an undecided match from start to finish. Next Wednesday, after the return to Coubertin, we will know if he will play a new Final Four on June 17. He has one hour left to make up the difference.

What you must remember

For the third time in a row, the two teams meet in the quarter-finals. Two years ago, PSG pocketed their ticket to the Final Four. Last year, Luka Karabatic and his teammates did not have the same success, losing only one goal in the two games combined.

We expected a tight game. It was above all tactical during the first thirty minutes, with two very effective defenses. Still deprived of Nikola Karabatic, the Parisians immediately responded to the good start of the “Kielers”, motivated by a room won over to their cause (2-2, 4th). The Norwegian Sander Sagosen remembers at PSG, the club where he spent three seasons (8-7, 20th), but Ferran Solé has repartee (8-10, 25th). PSG return to the locker room with a head start (12-13). Kamil Syprzak (82 goals) and Elohim Prandi (70), PSG’s two best scorers this season in the Champions League, are rather discreet with only two goals on the clock.

Helped by the Latvian Dainis Kristopans, Sole accentuates the Parisian lead (16-18, 41st). Kiel picks up the score (19-19, 44th) and everything has to be redone for Luc Steins and his partners. The capital’s players come to their senses and are two steps ahead (22-24, 50th). The Latvian giant is on all the balls and even gets out prematurely (56th), but PSG retains control of the game, with a found Prandi (6 goals), while Mathieu Grébille finishes the job. What efficiency!

Player: Jannick Green

Holder in the Parisian cages, Jannick Green released a performance worthy of such an appointment. The Danish International first released 8 of 19 German attempts before the break, responding to Niklas Landin, the other goalkeeper of the world champions (7 saves). The fact of having evolved for eight seasons in Magdeburg, the main opponent of Kiel in the Bundesliga, is undoubtedly for something. Less productive after the break (12 saves in total), he nevertheless contributed to the advance of his team by scoring his goal.

The number: 2

It is only the second time that PSG has overcome its best enemy in the Champions League since 2017. The previous victory for the capital’s players dated from May 19, 2021 (34-28), and was drawn in second period. The result unfortunately did not smile on the men of Raul Gonzalez, who had failed against the Danes of Aalborg in the semi-finals of the Final Four, while Nantes also remained at the dock against the great Barça.


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