Haaland: ‘Premier League goalscoring record? I celebrate at home with video games”

Goal record in a single Premier League season for the Manchester City forward who can still further the milestone.

Against West Ham came the 35th Premier League goal of the season per Erling Haalandbomber del Manchester City. This is the highest number ever in a single season of the English tournament.

The Norwegian, in his first year in the tournament, took the lead away from Andy Cole and Alan Shearer, who had set it at 34 in 1993-94 and 1994-95.

At the end of the race won by Citizens, Haaland was interviewed by Sky Sports and he confided how he will celebrate at home: “If I celebrate the finish line at home? I’m very happy with this record but I don’t want to think about it or others. Now I go home, eat something and play video games. I don’t say which one if they don’t catch me everybody around. Then I’ll go to bed. This is how I celebrate this milestone.”

A passage also on the “guard of honour” that his companions made to him: “I thank them for the gesture but they hurt me. They hit me hard on the head and on the back”, the center forward said laughing.


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