goals from Caprari and Sanabria- Corriere.it

Of Mirko Graziano

Torino drew 1-1 against Monza on the 34th day and granata and brianzoli continue their championship side by side at an altitude of 46. Sanabria and Caprari decide, granata protests for a penalty in the final

Furia Toro in the final match against Monza. Caprari (large right-footed shooter) has just equalized the goal of Sanabria (11th center in the league), when Karamoh pits for Ricci, who is held up by Rovella in full area: the grenade lands on the ground, the referee says there is nothing, and the Var does not intervene. Uproar at the Olimpico-Grande Torino. It ends then 1-1, with Toro creating much more, but once again failing to find home success: the last one dates back to 6 March, 1-0 with Bologna.

Bull without Schuurs: behind it then Djidji with Good morning and Rodríguez. Then inside Lazaro for the suspended Singo (on the other wing there is Vojvoda), while forward the couple Miranchuk-Vlasic supports Sanabria. Finally, Ilic and Ricci command in the middle of the field.n Valoti «false nine» in support of Ciurria and Mota.

The Brianza players immediately lost Pablo Marì: inside Marlon. In the first minutes, foray by Vlasic, left-footed diagonal and good response by Di Gregorio, which is repeated later on with a left-footed turn by Miranchuk. Monza responds with a low shot from the edge of Ciurria: Milinkovic blocks in two stages. Again Ciurria, who returns from the right and shoots from 20 metres: another good response from the grenade goalkeeper. Before the break, Di Gregorio gives away two pieces of bravura: reactive when he sends Vojvoda’s right-footed shot into the corner; brave to step out on Lazaro’s feet at the edge of the small area.

«Score under the curve…», the boys of the Marathon shout at the start of shooting. AND Sanabria satisfies them after 32 seconds: he receives from Vlasic, sends Pessina and Caldirola out of range, and from the edge of the area he strikes with an elusive low shot that dusts the corner to the right of Di Gregorio. From the gallery Palladino (there is broken glass in his position) orders the entrance of Petagna and Caprari for Valoti and Birindelli: Ciurria goes back a few metres. at 20′ great exit of Milinkovic on the feet of Carlos Augusto launched by Rovella (the former Juve on the field at the start of the second half in place of Machin). Toro resumes the field, counterattack by Rodriguez, ball to Miranchuk who squares it with velvet, with a left foot, but Di Gregorio takes them all.

New fuel for the grenade at half an hour: Seck, Karamoh and Linetty take the place of Miranchuk, Vlasic and Ilic. Palladino plays the Sensi card for Caldirola. Caprari tries from 16 meters: rejects Milinkovic-Savic. Il Toro closes with Ricci attacking midfielder behind Karamoh and Seck. In the 40th minute Ciurria left to turn just wide, then Caprari equalized in class by taking advantage of the Petagna bank. The finale is characterized precisely by the highly contested decision of the referee Zufferli.

May 7, 2023 (change May 7, 2023 | 5:09 pm)

2023-05-07 15:29:10
#goals #Caprari #Sanabria #Corriere.it


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