Fossombrone-Montefano: Sunday by the sea, but there are those who prefer the stadium

On a splendid and sunny Sunday more suited to a day at the beach, at the “Comunale” of Fossombrone there was instead a wonderful day of sport and cheering. On the field the play-off semi-final of Excellence of the Marche group is staged between the home Fossombrone and Montefano.

There is enthusiasm and an air of celebration, the two teams attract the public on special occasions with more than a thousand tickets sold and an attendance of around two hundred by visiting fans.

The stadium is full and the fans are full. Upon entering the field, the twenty-two players are welcomed by their fans with choreographies that color the sector, flags and blue smoke bombs for the “Botty club ’94”, smoke bombs and gold-purple cards for the “Ultras Montefano 1972”.

In the rest of the match, both fans didn’t give up an inch and made themselves heard constantly for the entire 90 minutes, the support given by the drums was excellent as well as smoke bombs and chants that managed to involve the whole audience and create a truly splendid atmosphere .

From the beginning both teams played openly, the game was very balanced in the first half with chances on both sides. In the second half however, Fossombrone upped the pace and found the opening goal with a header. The local fans increase the decibels by pushing the team, Montefano tries to react but is well contained by the home team who, five minutes from the end, taking advantage of a short rejection by the visiting defense, closes all other issues with a doubling that weighs as much a seal.

Fossombrone thus celebrates their qualification for the playoff final under their fans, where they will face Atletico Gallo in another 90′ that promises to be fiery and where they will necessarily have to win to continue living the dream and play for access to the national stages. All that remains for Montefano is to greet his fans from whom he still receives a big round of applause and choruses of thanks for the excellent game and season played.

In closing, respect between the two souls of cheering with “Botty club” and “Ultras Montefano” who approach the divider exchanging greetings and compliments.

Alessandro Barberini

2023-05-11 15:54:52
#FossombroneMontefano #Sunday #sea #prefer #stadium


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