Festival of the “Turkish head”, who participates?




SCICLI – Piazza Italia, three days of tradition and taste. It is the one who imagines creating themarine administration for thelast weekend of May: the purpose is to “stuff” il heart of the festivities in honor of Madonna of the Militiasco-patron of Scicli, with the Festival of the “Turkish head”a typical sweet from Scicli linked to the party.

In the Town Hall you are already set in motion to prepare a event able to do know and savor il large and characteristic beignetswhose shape resembles a turban. So we started by issuing a expression of interest to collect the willingness to participate from pastry chefs, cooks, chefs for show cooking and hotel management. Those interested in doing so will have to present the application by Friday 12 Mayfollowing some precise guidelines.

Waiting for many to respond to the notice, the Marino juntameanwhile, offers a preview of the Festival who has in mind to set up. “L2023 edition, scheduled from fridayì 26 to Sunday 28 May, – it is explained – will be characterized by afood and wine friendship between the our Testa di Turco and that of Castelbuonoalso a typical dessert, but different, as it is composed of layers of fried pastry alternating with layers of milk cream”.

In the past weeks – says the mayor Mario MarinoI had atelephone conversation with my counterpart from the town of Palermo, Mario Ciceroduring which And been reiterated limportance of the link between territories and necessityTo to network. This link between the two Municipalities, può and must also manifest on a concrete plan for the enhancement of the territory and local products. From here And born thereidea.

In the photo Mario Marino

Both products – adds Marino – I’m there maximum expression of the confectionery tradition of the two citiesTo and local pastry shops. Lfood and wine friendship between the two Municipalities sarTo promoted and officially launched on the occasion of the Tea Festivalsta of Turk of Scicli and of Feast of the Madonna delle Miliziein the presence of the Mayor of Castelbuono”.

During the three days we areTo me tooopportunity for tourists to taste the traditional sweets traditional of our holidaysTo. It is about creating, allinterior of the food and wine festival – ends the mayor -, a moment of confectionery mix among the best it canò offer our local pastry, in an original, innovative way at the same time, keeping faith with traditions.

2023-05-05 06:34:58
#Festival #Turkish #participates


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