FC Bayern versus Kahn – there is a risk of a dirty aftermath

FC Bayern versus Kahn – there is a risk of a dirty aftermath

Status: 05/28/2023 12:43 p.m

One day after the separation of Oliver Kahn and Hasan Salihamidzic, Bayern President Herbert Hainer explained the details. Ex-CEO Kahn is said to have taken his dismissal “very emotionally”, there is a risk of a war of the roses.

The separation of FC Bayern from Oliver Kahn seems to have been anything but harmonious. President Herbert Hainer explained the process one day after winning the German soccer championship – and did not put the former CEO in a good light.

Hainer and honorary president Uli Hoeneß had already sought talks with Kahn and sports director Hasan Salihamidzic, from whom the club has also separated, on Thursday. The decision to fill both positions was already made.

The “warning signals” at FC Bayern

“We saw warning signs on and off the field. We want to try a fresh start at the end of the season,” said Hainer in justification. An exchange with the sporting management and the supervisory board took place in this regard.

Early talks with Kahn and Salihamidzic

According to Hainer, the talks with Kahn and Salihamidzic were scheduled “because we wanted to tell the two affected people early enough so that both of them can think about it.” FC Bayern’s goal: to give both “deserving icons” a stylish farewell, a farewell “with respect and decency,” as Hainer put it.

The reaction, however, was probably extremely different. “It worked very well with Hasan, we mutually agreed that he would go to Cologne with us,” said Hainer. Salihamidzic asked to say goodbye to the team in person.

At the time of the announcement of the separation – immediately after winning the championship – Hainer explained that coaches and players would go on vacation shortly after the last game. Then there was also “Hasan’s wish that he could say goodbye to the team”.

Kahn’s official dismissal on Friday

The conversation with Kahn, on the other hand, “unfortunately didn’t go so well”, Kahn “was very emotional”, Hainer continued. That’s why there was an extraordinary meeting of the supervisory board afterwards, in which Kahn’s “dismissal was decided”: “That’s why he couldn’t go to Cologne.”

Hainer “surprised” by Oliver Kahn’s tweet

Kahn’s personnel will probably continue to cause confusion, because the former CEO published messages such as Twitter that contradict Hainer’s statements.

It was initially communicated on Saturday that Kahn could not travel to Cologne because of the flu. However, the former goalkeeper himself said that the club had “banned” him from coming to Cologne.

That’s what Oliver Kahn tweeted

Immediately before the Sunday press conference with Hainer and the new CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen, Kahn spoke again on Twitter. “The claim that I freaked out when I was informed about the dismissal is definitely not true. I got a call from Herbert Hainer on Friday telling me about the decision. It was a calm and factual conversation,” tweeted he.

And further: “I was just surprised about this activism, why this decision was now brought forward. On Saturday morning I received the message that I cannot go to the game. I also accepted this decision calmly. Of course I am disappointed, But I’m really happy about this championship and I’m happy for the team, the coach and our fans.”

Hainer: Kahn didn’t get in touch again

Hainer countered this again with the exact procedure: He and Hoeneß had already spoken to Kahn on Thursday at 11 a.m. The conversation was “calm and factual”. After that, however, Kahn did not get in touch, “which is why we had to sit down together as a supervisory board on Friday.” The consequences are well known: “If certain things have to be done, the board of directors must act.”

Hainer wants to treat Kahn “respectfully”.

Hainer was able to confirm Kahn’s supposed flu: “He told us on Saturday afternoon that he had summer flu and was in bed,” said Hainer, “we have that on our cell phone.”

Hainer does not want to comment on every statement or tweet from FC Bayern: “We will treat Oliver Kahn with respect, but both sides are always part of it.”

In the video: FCB’s championship game

Source: Blickpunkt Sport 05/28/2023 – 9:45 p.m


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