European soccer Kaoru Mitomo contributes to victory by assisting the second point | NHK Sports

Brighton’s Kaoru Mitoma contributed to the team’s victory by assisting the team’s second goal against Southampton on the 21st.

In the 40th minute of the first half, when the match was 1-0, Mitoma stole the ball near the halfway on the left flank and dribbled it in, sending an accurate cross with his right foot to score the goal.

Brighton won 3-1, and Mitoma played until the 43rd minute of the second half.

Wataru Endo of Stuttgart in the German first division scored a tie goal in the 41st minute of the first half of the match against Mainz.

Endo scored his 5th goal this season and also provided an assist for his 3rd goal, completing the full match.

Stuttgart won 4–1.

Junya ITO of Stade Lance in the French 1st division played the full match against Angers and scored the opening goal in the first half, his sixth goal of the season.

The match was tied 2–2.

2023-05-22 03:34:49
#European #soccer #Kaoru #Mitomo #contributes #victory #assisting #point #NHK #Sports


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