Emilia Romagna flood, there is fear of a health emergency due to waste and stagnant water

Emilia Romagna flood, there is fear of a health emergency due to waste and stagnant water

On Tuesday 30 May, the President of the Republic Mattarella will visit some places affected by the flood. Meanwhile, the mayor of Conselice has signed an ordinance requiring citizens of still flooded areas to leave their homes for health and hygiene reasons. Wetlands multiply the risks from mosquitoes that transmit Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika viruses. “Fundamental flexibility on funds”, says Prime Minister Meloni. Pressing by Bonaccini for the appointment of the commissioner

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While the water slowly withdraws from the flooded areas of Emilia Romagna, the emergency is complicated by the fear of possible health consequences. Even if the situation is gradually improving, in Conselice, the town in the Ravenna area flooded by three rivers, several houses remain underwater. An ordinance issued yesterday, May 26, by the mayor Paola Pula, obliges citizens residing in flooded areas to leave their homes immediately, given the hygienic and health risk of stagnant water, combined with the heat of these days which is causing the proliferation of mosquitoes (THE SPECIAL ON THE FLOOD). After the visit of the president of the EU commission Ursula von der Leyen and the premier Meloni, in the places of the flood – such as Forlì and Faenza – it was announced that the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, will arrive on Tuesday 30 May. Meanwhile, the dem governor of Emilia-Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, continues to push for the appointment of an extraordinary commissioner for reconstruction. And while underlining a climate of “total collaboration” with the government, Bonaccini underlines how “we have a duty to demand 100% compensation from the state for damages to defend the citizens, families, businesses that have been affected”.

The situation in Coselice

“At the moment there are no health emergencies but the stagnation of water, the failure of the sewers, the possible interruptions in the supply of drinking water, the presence of undisposed waste, make it risky to remain in the still flooded town”, he explains the mayor of Coselice, who in recent days has also had moments of tension with the exasperated citizens. At the moment, there are not many inhabitants of the town who have actually left their homes. As for the timing of a total drying out of the inhabited area, it is talk about a week as a worst case scenario.

The vaccination campaign

A vaccination campaign was quickly organized and administrations against tetanus and other infectious diseases began yesterday in the community house of the union of municipalities in lower Romagna. Instead in Faenza, where the Lamone has come out of its banks, the most urgent issue is that of waste, so much so that two large areas have been dedicated to the storage of materials. While in Cesena, where the mud of the Savio has now been cleaned up, an initial survey of the damage has been started: in 48 hours, 1,617 families reported problems with homes, cellars, garages, warehouses, furnishings, cars and other vehicles.

see also

Bad weather, stagnant waters, danger to health. Evacuations in Conselice

Meloni asks for flexibility on European funds

We begin to think about reconstruction: there are various sources on which Italy can begin to imagine the post-flood path. From 6 billion euros for the ‘anti-instability’ projects of the Italian Recovery to the European Solidarity Fund, which already helped Emilia Romagna to get back on its feet after the earthquake. Then there are the cohesion funds, and also a chapter of the new Common Agricultural Policy for special emergencies. According to Prime Minister Meloni, the “flexibility of existing funds” is fundamental. While Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, after her visit to the flooded areas recalled that the NextGenerationEU provides 6 billion for Italy, intended to reduce the risks of floods and landslides.

Ursula von der Leyen

see also

ER flood, von der Leyen: “6 billion from the Pnrr to prevent instability”

Bonaccini pushes for the appointment of the commissioner

The dynamics of asking for and obtaining support from Brussels will be at the center of Monday’s meeting between the president of Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini and the minister for European affairs Raffaele Fitto. “I have to trust, I want to trust” the government, “we are working well with Meloni and many ministers”, explained the governor. The puzzle remains as to who will be the commissioner for reconstruction. “There’s no need to do it in 48 hours, but it won’t take long”, warned Bonaccini, according to which “by winter we need to fix the embankments and rebuild the roads”. And he added: “I can’t name myself Commissioner nor do I care what my role will be. I will be there regardless of the role I will play”. The person who will be called upon to perform this function, said Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani, will be nominated “at the appropriate time”. The Minister of Labour, Marina Calderone, also intervened: “I cannot answer, because these are assessments that will be made in the Council of Ministers on the basis of everything that the reconstruction plan will have to do, on which we are currently dedicating ourselves”.

Gas station ___ Flourish

see also

Emilia-Romagna flood, photos before and after the floods

2023-05-27 13:17:11
#Emilia #Romagna #flood #fear #health #emergency #due #waste #stagnant #water


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