Direct Juve, Prisma trial on capital gains: we start again

TORINO – These are hot days for the future of Juventus and its former managers. At the same time as sports justice, in fact, the ordinary one also starts again. A month and a half after the first hearing, a new appointment this morning in front of the Gup Mark Peakin the bunker classroom Court of Turinto resume the process on the accounts of Juventus which sees as defendants, in addition to the club, 12 former managers and directors (including Andrea Agnelli, Pavel Nedved, Maurice Arrivabene e Fabio Paratici). On the one hand the Juventus lawyers, on the other the prosecutors Marco Gianoglio e Mario Bendoni. About fifty small shareholders, who want to bring a civil action, have requested the summons for civil liability of the Juventus and of Ernst & Young, an auditing firm that certified the three financial statements under indictment (from 2018 to 2021), to possibly ask for damages. It will now be up to the Gup to establish who has the right to citizenship and therefore will be able to obtain compensation in the event of indictment and conviction of the defendants. Then there is the issue related to territoriality and therefore to the request to move the trial from Turin to Milan, the headquarters of the Piazza Affari Stock Exchangewhere the black and white company is listed, or Rome, where the Computershare, the company to which Juventus directs press releases intended for the stock market. By virtue of Riform Cartabiathe Gup could also “pass the ball” to the Court of Cassation. In that case the time may be longer.


Juventus, justice and power

A norm is missing, but there is condemnation. The reasons leave all the inconsistencies starting from the fact that Juve is the only one convicted. So the disparity remains


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Juve and sports justice: the 4 questions that deserve an answer

The Juventus club will be sentenced to a penalty in the capital gains proceeding, but so far not much has been understood and that little is not very congruent. Let’s try to clarify


Juventus resumes the Prisma Process

Inside the bunker hall of the Palace of Justice Bruno Caccia in Turin starts again the trial on the accounts of the black and white club which sees accused, in addition to the club, other twelve figures including the former president Agnelli. Read all about it here


Juve capital gains, the expert’s opinion: “Penalty to be reduced”

Cesare Di Cintio, sports law lawyer, expresses his opinion after the publication of the reasons of the Guarantee Board on the capital gains case. Read what he said


Lawyer Spallone on the Juve Plusvalenze Process

“The Tar can cancel the proceeding”. So the lawyer Spallone commented the motivations of the Coni Guarantee Board related to Capital Gains Process which concerns the Juventus: here’s what he said

2023-05-10 06:28:00
#Direct #Juve #Prisma #trial #capital #gains #start


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