Diego Latorre revealed which team he is a fan of in Argentine soccer and surprised everyone

The ex-footballer Diego Latorre confessed this week in his account Instagram what is your favorite Argentine soccer team, after consulting a follower of yours on that social network.

An active user of Instagram, Gambeta opened the game to questions from his audience, and among them, he highlighted, first of all, the query from an Internet user, who wanted to know which club in the national league Latorre fans for. “Are you from Racing?”, was the question, without a filter, that the user asked. Without turning around, Diego replied: “No, I’m from Ferro”.

Gambetita played for La Academia in the late ’90s. In Argentine soccer, in addition, he wore the shirt of Boca Juniorsand also played in Central Rosary. Currently, the Verdolaga militates in the second category of vernacular football, the First National, where he marches 12th. in group B.

More jokingly, another follower He made an explicit request to Latorre: to save football, and take charge of Chelsea, whose current interim manager is Frank Lampard (Mauricio Pochettino would be chosen for the position). “It would be crazy for my first experience to be Chelsea,” Diego replied, without shying away.

Diego LatorreInstagram Diego Latorre

In another consultation, he gave details of his participation in the program of his wife, the journalist Yanina Latorre, on Radio El Observador. Intrigued by his absence during the week, a navigator asked him if he was no longer part of the cycle. Far from denying it, the former striker replied: “I am here every Monday; the second day varies, depending on my commitments…”, he detailed. Weeks ago, Diego showed his pride in what his partner achieved in the mass media, by announcing that he would be a columnist for the cycle that Yanina leads every afternoon on the dial.

In another order, the journalist told what he will comment on the Champions League final, which will be held in Istanbul, and will take advantage there to take vacations.

On the occasion of a game of the Premier Leaguethe driver of F90 (ESPN) questioned, in the preview, that Latorre was going to comment on an Arsenal match, a club of which he confesses to being a fan. “It does not seem to me that they designate it. He is a fan of a team. He is going to be a supporter of Arsenal ”, he launched, on that occasion, jokingly.

Minutes later, the former Rosario Central and Boca Juniors player uploaded a selfie video to his Instagram stories, and he was captivated by Pollo Vignolo. Furthermore, in the post, he wrote: “I look forward to public rectification.” In the background, Latorre showed that he had the television on with the program in question.

Sebastian Vignolo and Diego Latorrecatches

In his defense, Latorre announced that he wanted to “answer these guys from F90 who are slandering me, saying that I am going to do a broadcast in favor of Arsenal, Marianito too, suspecting my professionalism. It doesn’t go, it doesn’t go. They don’t know me.” In this way, the fun exchange between ESPN journalists was concluded.


2023-05-12 02:51:00
#Diego #Latorre #revealed #team #fan #Argentine #soccer #surprised


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