Decalogue of a great failure: the keys to Sporting’s first season with Orlegi

Decalogue of a great failure: the keys to Sporting’s first season with Orlegi

“Nothing to celebrate” is one of the most repeated phrases in Mareo after saving a season that sportingly –apart from other projects– has been a huge failure. No hot cloths. Above all, for the first team, far from the expectations placed by Orlegi and the confidence of the fans, who paid some of the most expensive season tickets. The course for Sporting started promising. But it ended up twisting.

1 Express landing.

The Orlegi Group took control of Sporting on June 28, in the middle of summer. The planning of the project, in fact, had already begun, leaving the previous management sealing the signing of Insua. Gerardo García and the shared services found themselves with an inherited staff, a technician with a contract (Abelardo) who they gave continuity to, and without the ability to do their own planning from scratch.

2 Djuka and a hard year.

One of the first “folders” that Orlegi found in Mareo was the management of Djuka, whose contract ended in 2023 and had been ignoring attempts to renew him from the previous property. In bad years he was one of the great leaders. Orlegi made a million-dollar bet to retain 23, with offers from Mexico and Austria. He renewed his contract for 5 years (2027), becoming one of the highest paid players in Segunda. He has completed his worst year in Mareo, with five goals. Jony’s performance, for whom he bet heavily, has also been one of the worst grades of the course.

3 Injuries.

The injuries have punished the project a lot. Bamba and Nacho Méndez have missed almost the entire season. But it is that almost all of them have fallen: Zarfino, Pedro, Djuka, Pol Valentín, Rivera, Campuzano, Jony, Queipo…

4 Yields down.

The team started strong. To Los Cármenes. On matchday 10, it was the fourth. Abelardo had endowed Sporting with its own style. Izquierdoz, Cote and Otero had started like a shot. Christ worked. And the injuries did not kill Zarfino. But many yields were falling with the passing of the days. Pablo Insua and Pedro Díaz have been the most reliable of a team without great individualities.

5 Null harmony between Abelardo and Orlegi.

Although the relationship between the Pitu and the property began on the right foot, the distance grew until coexistence ended up being impossible. The final harmony was null, with public darts and mutual suspicions before two antagonistic ways of working: in the preparation of the template, in the day to day, and, even, in the speech. The divorce did not help the course of the project. Neither the “stick” of Irarragorri in the fans’ forum, weakening the figure of the coach; nor the comment of the Pitu on Jeraldino, signing of the Group. Lacked sense of team.

6 Winter market.

The winter market did not strengthen the team. If anything, it weakened him, although the departures of Mariño, six months from the end of his contract and with no options to renew, and Gragera for 3 million seemed logical. But the reinforcements hardly added up. Only Marsà, with good manners, but that was less. De Amores has not debuted. Jeraldino has passed on tiptoe, with zero goals.

7 Adaptation of MAR.

The “crisis” with Abelardo and his break with Orlegi precipitated the arrival of Miguel Ángel Ramírez in mid-January when it was scheduled for June. MAR arrived in the middle of the campaign to an unknown competition and to a team that he had not designed. It took the Canarian coach weeks to get the pulse of the squad and, above all, the competition.

8Lack of direction.

The signing of Miguel Ángel Ramírez in mid-January meant an abrupt break with Abelardo’s model, whose team, it is true, was falling apart. MAR arrived with its own risky ideas, betting first on a leading style of play with the ball, less direct, starting from a defense with three central defenders. Abelardo, meanwhile, communed with an opposite football: vertical, a more practical and counterattacking point. The players were affected by that change; also because the preparation of the template had been done according to the ideas of Pitu. The carousel of tactical movements in the first weeks did not benefit. In the final stretch MAR found a model that was better suited to the demands of Segunda, with 2 defeats in the last 10 games, with VAR as the protagonist. In a very long League that rewards the most reliable team, Sporting has lacked its own identity.

9 Seasickness and 2027.

In another difficult course, the irruption of some young hopes of Mareo is positive news for the club. Queipo and Diego Sánchez, and, lastly, Nacho Martín have broken in from the reserves in the same season, all giving a good level and being important. The club has given them long contracts, until 2027.

10 The “Varane case”.

It is, by far, one of the great news of the season. Except the best. A sample of what can be done. A free signing, which has already given performance, and winning a young player with a market.

2023-05-21 22:07:59
#Decalogue #great #failure #keys #Sportings #season #Orlegi


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