Dani Alves is “very thin” according to a cellmate

In detention for five months for the alleged rape of a woman at the end of December, Dani Alves has a hard life at the Brians 2 penitentiary center in Barcelona pending his trial. According to the Brazilian’s cellmate interviewed by the Madrid daily As, the former right-back of PSG (2017 – 2019) is regularly insulted by other prisoners. “There are rude people in the dining hall, who shout rapist and homosexual at him. He doesn’t go out except to go to the gym to play against another group, he explains. Otherwise, he stays in his cell or sits in the living room, where the television is, to watch it. »

His cellmate also finds that the now ex-side, who still claims that the act was consented to, is “very thin and has become sad” since his incarceration in mid-January. “He eats the exact same shit they give us. As is,” he also notes. The former Brazilian international (126 caps, 8 goals), who has changed versions several times, celebrated his 40th birthday this Saturday. At the end of April, the 40-year-old defender’s lawyers had requested bail for their client. The defence, whose first request for release had been rejected by the Barcelona court last February, affirmed in a press release that Dani Alves “could and wanted to defend himself”, without evading “the procedure”. Their new request would be based on the provision of video evidence to confront the complainant’s account.


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