Coppa Italia: Handanovic, we’re at Inter to raise trophies – Football

(ANSA) – ROME, MAY 23 – “I look forward to this game like the others, we know that we are at Inter to lift the trophies and in recent years we have returned to where we need to be”. This was stated by Samir Handanovic, captain of Inter, in the press conference on the eve of the final of the Italian Cup. “I can’t define the season yet, because it’s not over – he explained – These two finals will judge the season”. On the difficult moments of the season he added: “When you lose, you also grow, defeats bring you back to reality. They take away the superficiality that you shouldn’t have. The victories have brought self-esteem”. He concludes speaking of the meeting with Mattarella: “It was a different experience from the ones we had. I was pleased, I was surprised when he shook my hand because he knew who I was and told me that the Slovenian president had been here three days ago.” (HANDLE).

