Coni’s Educamps are back In via del Salice with Us Frutteti

Educamp Coni is back in via Frutteti again this year, as in the last 6-7 years. The organizational formula is the ‘City’ one: from Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 17.30 throughout the summer, for all children aged between 5 and 14, and there will also be a Kids section for the little ones, from 3 to 5 years.

The Educamp Coni are multidisciplinary sports centers aimed at young people who, in the summer period, in suitable camps, have the opportunity to experiment with various motor, pre-sport and sports activities with innovative training methodologies and strategies, suitable for different age groups. They represent a unique opportunity in which the participants, free from school commitments, have the opportunity to get to know and practice different sports, thus having the possibility of orienting themselves and starting out in sport. Educamp also offers an important service to families by offering a safe and suitable place where they can leave their children during daytime working hours, with the awareness of leaving them in good hands: all educators and technicians follow specific training by Coni and in particular the company US Frutteti has embraced, in addition to the Educamp project for the summer, the Coni Centers project during the sports season, precisely to give continuity to the excellent work carried out for years with competence, explains the Technical coordinator of the Coni Point of Ferrara and trainer for the national projects of Educamp Fabio Bovo. Educamp Coni Frutteti, in collaboration with another Coni Center in the city such as the 4 Torri Volley Ferrara company, in fact offers multisport activities on the green such as: volleyball, baseball, football, green-tennis and water games to cool off during the hot Ferrara summer.

Many other novelties to be discovered await our boys and girls such as evenings under the stars, trips and excursions and new activities within the structure. Educamp pays the utmost attention to transmitting the values ​​inherent in sport such as commitment, discipline, friendship, fair play, correct lifestyles, respect for the environment and inclusion through play, an important educational tool.

The location is always the same, the US Frutteti sports center in via del Salice 15 in Ferrara; large green spaces where you can play and have fun, tensile structures and masonry buildings guarantee shade for rest, lunches and less sunny days.

For more information you can contact by telephone at the following numbers:

Matteo 3472990613 – Fabrizio 3467924976 or write to the postal address:

[email protected] and on social media.

2023-05-19 04:47:59
#Conis #Educamps #del #Salice #Frutteti


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