Chinese Writers Association writer activities Zhou Anhua research activities carried out Wang Meng Chen Yan participated in the research Xiong Wei and others accompanied – New Hunan

Chinese Writers Association Writer Activities Zhou Anhua Research Activities Conducted Wang Meng Chen Yan participated in the research Accompanied by Xiong Wei and others

Chinese Writers Association Writer Activities Zhou Anhua Research Activities Conducted

Wang Meng and Chen Yan participated in the survey accompanied by Xiong Wei and others

Yiyang Daily All-Media News (Reporter Lu Jingxia Yuanyuan Zhonghao) On May 23, Be a Student of the People – Chinese Writers Association Writer Activity Zhou Anhua research activity was carried out. Writers walked into Anhua County and visited the China Dark Tea Museum, Anhua The Dark Tea National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park Exhibition Hall and the Sea of ​​Flowers in the Tea Town provide an in-depth understanding of the vivid stories and outstanding deeds of our city’s rural revitalization, characteristic industry development, and modern agricultural development. “People’s Artist” Wang Meng, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and Secretary of the Secretariat Chen Yan participated in the survey. Xiao Lingzhi, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and first-level inspector, Hu Geping, party secretary of the Hunan Writers Association, Xiong Wei, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor, Li Tiehua, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Huang Daoan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary-general of the Municipal Party Committee, Tang Ruixiang, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, accompanied them respectively.

Anhua is the hometown of black tea in China and the cradle of badminton world champions. The narrator uses the “five business cards” of green, red, black, white, and yellow as the main line to describe Anhua County’s rich ecological resources, touching red stories, long-established black tea culture, prosperous and strong sports culture, quality The excellent sealwort industry was narrated to writers and guests.

In the China Dark Tea Museum, the writers listened to the life story of Tao Shu, governor of Liangjiang in the Qing Dynasty, and learned about the development history and dark tea culture of Anhua dark tea. “How many years after the tea tree is planted can it be picked?” The writers discussed in a low voice while watching and asked questions and interacted on the spot. When seeing the 40,000-liang tea, everyone was amazed at the unique production process of the dark tea, Qian-liang tea. When watching the exhibition of Tao Shu’s life and learning about Hunan culture, the writers saw Tao Shu’s rubbings of the Song Lian stele and praised “Tao Shu’s handwriting is so good”.

The Anhua Dark Tea Achievement Exhibition Hall of the National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park is an exhibition hall that gathers scientific and technological innovation, industrial innovation, comprehensive coverage of 5G signals, and full empowerment of big data. The achievements of creation and the modernization process of dark tea industry, etc., interpret the thousand-year history of Anhua dark tea. The writers marveled at Anhua’s wisdom in the development of modern agriculture, and at the same time said that Anhua’s dark tea has bred a rich and colorful culture, and it is necessary to continue to innovate and develop on the basis of protection and inheritance, and to constantly release the inner charm of dark tea culture. “The air here is fresh, the scenery is pleasant, and the planning is very unique.” In the Tea Town Flower Sea Experience Park, writers took photos after seeing the landscape ecology of Anhua. The sea of ​​flowers in the tea town is composed of 98 small hills, with the local beautiful green mountains and green waters as the background, and the sightseeing tea gardens are composed of seasonal flowers. The writers lamented that Yiyang has beautiful mountains and clear waters, a strong literary atmosphere, rich local resources, local people dare to think and do, and one side of the landscape nurtures the other, and the grassroots literature will surely flourish.

(Originally published in “Yiyang Daily” 2023-05-24, Edition A01 Highlights)

Editor in charge: Chen Wei

First trial: Yang Yuhan

Second trial: Yang Jun

Third trial: Xing Ling

Source: Yiyang Daily

2023-05-24 01:45:39
#Chinese #Writers #Association #writer #activities #Zhou #Anhua #research #activities #carried #Wang #Meng #Chen #Yan #participated #research #Xiong #Wei #accompanied #Hunan


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