Children’s gymnastics literally overrun

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Created: 17.05.2023Updated: 05/17/2023, 5:40 p.m

Von: red editors


TV Ilbenstadt honors members who have been with the club for 50 years (from left): Herbert Schwinge, Vice Chairwoman Yvonne Bischoff, Marita Schulmeier, Inge Haas, Rita Merkel, Helmut Rothe, Silvia Brucker, Jürgen Filz, Birgit Döll, Angelika Jurida , Bettina Giller, Berndt Reinhardt, Jürgen Arnold and Chairwoman Herwig Lauerer. © pv

Nidda Valley (pm). The general meeting of TV Ilbenstadt, which recently took place in the community center, was characterized by honors.

Chairman Herwig Lauerer welcomed around 70 members, including honorary members Kornelia Arnold, Jürgen Arnold, Helmut Rothe and Manfred Steidl.

dr Ulrike Kreinhoff, Managing Director of the German Society for Nutrition in Hesse, spoke about thirst quenchers after physical activity. The ecotrophologist made it clear that most fitness and refreshment drinks essentially consist of sugar, sugar substitutes and water. Ideal drinks are mineral water or diluted juice spritzers.

Slight decline in membership

The chairman informed about a slight decline in membership from 32 to 662. The board took part in the district and sports district day and attended online seminars on club management. Winning the winner’s trophy on the RC Ilbenstadt bike tour was just as much an outstanding event as the sold-out carnival event. In addition, the TV has been dedicated to the integration of refugees for years.

The trainers reported on their respective sports lessons. Ute Lauerer started with the club’s largest group, children’s gymnastics. After the end of the pandemic, children’s gymnastics will be literally overrun. The need is enormous, so waiting lists were set up for the first time to ensure orderly practice. In addition, some trainers have broken away – there is an urgent need for reinforcements. Nevertheless, the club was able to take part in the 2022 children’s gymnastics festival in Nieder-Mörlen again and achieved seven top ten places.

Jutta Schmidt-Besser, Silvia Brucker, Anika Schmitt and Christine Volk reported on their women’s groups, which, in addition to the exercise units, also focused on social contacts.

The men’s groups, led by Manfred Steidl (over 60) and Herwig Lauerer (Everyman), reported an increase in the number of participants and changes in the range of exercises. The Indiaca division (headed by Gabi Wild) asked for an advertising campaign because the number of participants had been reduced. The Judo department is experiencing an enormous influx in the youth sector – like children’s gymnastics. About 35 children are connected to the department, some of which have recently passed a belt test. Young people are needed for the youth and adult groups.

The dance sport groups Hailights (Larissa Kreinhoff) and Peanuts (Nicole Porth) reported on their performances, which regularly culminate in the carnival season. The Peanuts dare to restart with a new coach and are also looking for youngsters.

Monika Sudler reported on the certified health sport. The course leaders (Yasmin Balog – Zumba, Gabi Partes – Zumba-Gold, Natascha Höra – Bodystyle, Ute Lichtenberger – Pilates, Jürgen Bloch – Functional Training) are looked after administratively by Yvonne Bischof, Ute Lauerer and Nicole Porth, who also reported on the courses .


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Certificates and badges received for 25 years of membership in the association: Turgay Aykin, Bernhard Behnken, Horst Berndt, Britta Bischoff, Yvonne Bischoff, Ingrid Filz, Roswitha Hagemann, Pamela Klein, Larissa Kreinhoff, Cornelia Schulmeier, Margarete Schulmeier, Gerlinde Schwinge and Claudie Veith-Tezeren. The following have been there for 40 years: Brigitta Herold, Herwig Lauerer, Thomas Nau, Irmgard Nebel, Nicole Pletzer, Nicole Porth, Anika Schmitt, Karina Schmitt, Konstanze Schwinge and Christine Volk. Joined 50 years ago: Jürgen Arnold, Silvia Brucker, Birgit Döll, Jürgen Filz, Bettina Giller, Inge Haas, Angelika Jurida, Rita Merkel, Berndt Reinhardt, Helmut Rothe, Marita Schulmeier and Herbert Schwinge.

2023-05-17 15:41:15
#Childrens #gymnastics #literally #overrun


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