Chambon-sur-Lignon. A great tournament for the Plateau intercommunal badminton club

The Plateau intercommunal badminton club (BIP) organized a friendly mixed doubles tournament last Saturday (over 16s) at the Bretchs gymnasium.

The BIP has regained momentum after two unusual seasons linked to Covid. He wanted to organize a tournament before the summer. The last had to be canceled a few days before the announcement of the first confinement. Despite this long absence from tournaments, the players responded. Thirteen teams were entered.

A success according to the leaders of the club who did not expect such a success. The atmosphere was warm and friendly, with great matches and quality exchanges. The association will organize a new tournament at the start of the next school year to celebrate its tenth anniversary.

Le podium : 1ers Magalie Charrier and Ludo Heritier, 2and Amandine Petit and Florent Cheynel, 3and Winona Bouquet et Valentin Aubry.

2023-05-18 17:10:04
#ChambonsurLignon #great #tournament #Plateau #intercommunal #badminton #club


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