CAS suspends Cologne transfer ban for the time being

CAS suspends Cologne transfer ban for the time being

According to the German Bundesliga club, the International Sports Court (CAS) has suspended the transfer ban against 1. FC Köln until the appeal decision.

When the appeal verdict can be expected “cannot be predicted at the moment”, said the association of ÖFB team players Florian Kainz and Dejan Ljubicic on Friday. The background is the transfer dispute between FC and NK Olimpija Ljubljana about storm talent Jaka Cuber Potocnik.

At the end of March, the world association FIFA imposed a transfer ban for two periods of change and a penalty payment for alleged misconduct by Cologne when signing the 17-year-old youngster in January 2022. On the other hand, both Cologne and the Slovenian club, which is demanding higher compensation, and Potocnik himself went before the CAS.


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