Capaci massacre, Mattarella: “The Republic reacted. The mafia is a cancer, but it is not invincible”

“The mafia killed them, but a mobilization of consciences arose, which activated a strong sense of citizenship”. It is May 23, the anniversary of the Capaci massacre, and Sergio Mattarella remember with these words that dramatic day and the sacrifice of John Falconehis wife Francesca Morvillo (“magistrate of value”) and of Anthony Montinaro, Rocco Dicillo, Vito Schifani, “who protected him with commitment”. But the Head of State, in the message released by the Quirinale, dwells on the reaction of the State: “The mafia criminals thought they were bending the institutions, of making the people subject to an infamous power. The Republic knew how to react with rigor and justice”.

Also latching onto the attack in via D’Amelio, Mattarella affirms: “Magistrates such as Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino have demolished the mafia presumption of a parallel order, revealing what the mafia is in reality: a cancer for the civil community, an organization of criminals that is by no means invincible, devoid of any honor and dignity”. And he reiterates: “A teaching by Giovanni Falcone will always remain with us: the mafia can be defeated and is destined to end”. It is a challenge which, the President insists, has changed pace since May 23: “Those events are forever inscribed in the history of the Republic. It is accompanied by a sense of closeness and gratitude towards those who fought the mafia by inflicting irrevocable defeats on it, demonstrating that it is possible to free oneself from blackmail, promoting a civil reaction which has allowed the community to regain confidence”.

Hence the appeal that comes from the Quirinale: “In institutions, schools, civil society, the fight against the mafias and crime has become a condition of civilization, an indispensable part of a shared ethic. Action to combat the mafias must continued with commitment and ever greater determination”.

2023-05-23 12:36:05
#Capaci #massacre #Mattarella #Republic #reacted #mafia #cancer #invincible


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