Camila Córdoba and Celeste Nuñez seek a place in the Pan American Games in Chile

Camila Córdoba and Celeste Nuñez seek a place in the Pan American Games in Chile

Martial arts are going through a great moment in San Juan, due to the important tasks carried out by the different schools of karate, taekwondo and judo. This work has been reaping important fruits, to the point that there are people from San Juan integrating national teams or summoned to preselections.

It is the case of Camila Cordoba y Celeste Nunezwho have been pre-selected to fight for a position in the Pan-American karate tournament, in the cadet, junior and u21 categories in Chile, adding that Celeste is also preparing for the Evita Games.

Camila Córdoba is 19 years old, participates in categories under 21 and older, being under the priority, which is a short period and you have to take advantage of it, placing first in the ranking, counts Daniela Molinahis trainer.

She started with the activity as a girl, in a school that is not federated and since she was concerned about competing, she searched among the federated ones and chose the place where she has been for some years, since she arrived at the age of 14. “We started working on the competition and from the beginning began to obtain many results, to such an extent that she was summoned for the Yog Project, which had to be canceled due to the pandemic and then, due to age, she was unable to compete in the Olympic Games. Rosario, which had also been postponed, being a hard blow for all the boys who couldn’t make it to that competition”, says Daniela.

Camila was already part of the cadet, junior team and after the pandemic she entered Under 21.

Celeste’s case was similar in terms of her arrival at school, since she started at a very young age with her brothers in a non-federated school, then she changed schools, although the sports results did not arrive; she was always there, she wanted a podium, but she was not given it and in 2022 she communicated with Nasif Ahún, entering the Musashi Dojo, of the Shorin Kai Argentina School. She had a great year in the 12-13 category, which left her first in the ranking, with a wide difference with the rest of her, ending the season with more than 400 points, against 80 of those who followed her.

This season, with just turned 14 years old, Celeste moved to the Cadet category, where she is first in -54 kg and with several goals on the horizon, including this pre-selection to which she was called, in addition to the Evita Games, thinking in a possible citation to the Yog Program.

Both karate fighters train from Monday to Saturday. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and the other days they work on the physical aspect from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

2023-05-23 16:17:10
#Camila #Córdoba #Celeste #Nuñez #seek #place #Pan #American #Games #Chile


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