Blue camp legislator wins primary election Lin Peixiang: Keelung will be better in 2024 | KMT | The Epoch Times

[The Epoch Times, May 15, 2023](Comprehensive report by Epoch Times reporter Chen Xiuyuan, Keelung, Taiwan) The KMT’s Keelung City Party Headquarters announced yesterday (14) the results of the polls for the primary election of the legislators, and former Keelung deputy speaker Lin Peixiang won. Lin Peixiang expressed his gratitude to his supporters, and his opponent in the primary election, City Councilor He Shuping, expressed his blessings, emphasizing that the two will unite and cooperate in the future to strive for the victory of the president and legislators next year.

The Democratic Progressive Party’s Keelung Legislative Primary Election was announced a few days ago, and city councilor Zhang Bingjun won. Zhang Bingjun said, congratulations to Lin Peixiang for qualifying. He has successfully fought for the establishment of express buses in Zhongshan District, which was well received by the public. If he is elected as a legislator, he will definitely do better.

Lin Peixiang said that in the future, he will move in the direction of “transportation, industry, and internationalization”. Not only will commuters go home early, but also strive for industries to settle in, provide more local employment opportunities, and promote the integration of Keelung Port with international standards to realize his goal. The main axis of political opinion is “Keelung will be better in 2024”.

Editor in charge: Du Wenqing

2023-05-15 09:15:47
#Blue #camp #legislator #wins #primary #election #Lin #Peixiang #Keelung #KMT #Epoch #Times


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