Blackmailing “Balo” for a fake rape

Sion are close to relegation and Balotelli quarrels with fans and the press who dispute its poor performance, but SuperMario wins in court. It was indeed sentenced to 2 years and 3 months in prisonto which are added 80 thousand euros in compensation for damages, a lawyer who would try to blackmail the former striker of the national team. According to the Vicenza prosecutor’s office, the attempted extortion was allegedly carried out by the Treviso lawyer Roberto Imparato.

The false rape and the request for 100 thousand euros

The story concerned an initial accusation against the footballer made by a young woman from Vicenza with which Balotelli has confirmed that he has had consensual relations and that she would have been pushed by the lawyer from Treviso to move a sexual assault charge, which the case was later dismissed. The lawyer would then have threatened the former striker of Inter, Milan, Manchester City and Liverpool to sell the news to the newspapers. In exchange for silence he would have asked for 100 thousand euros.

Fans and press against, Balo: “You are disgusted”

Balotelli is reduced by a difficult season in Switzerland. Sion fans have often accused him of poor performance arriving at sensational gestures such as burn his shirt after the 4-0 defeat at home against St. Gallen in February. Also the press recently took aim the Italian striker. An article appeared with the title: “The Sion in full emergency, Balotelli on vacation”. The bomber replied through a story Instagram with his doctor’s Whatsapp message (proving his reason for absence) e adding the comment: “You are disgusted”.

2023-05-24 09:14:04
#Blackmailing #Balo #fake #rape


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