Basketball: With this training plan, the best German thrower fights for the World Cup ticket

Sport Basketball

With this training plan, the best German thrower fights for the World Cup ticket

As of 6:33 p.m

David Kramer scored the most points in the German team in the World Cup qualifiers

David Kramer scored the most points in the German team in the World Cup qualifier

Source: pa/dpa/Kessler-Sportfotografie/Jürgen Kessler

David Krämer is the best German pitcher in the basketball Bundesliga. Despite outstanding statistics, he fears for his place at the World Cup. In order to avoid a disappointing déjà vu, Krämer will put in extra shifts over the next few weeks.

David Krämer (26) has not yet given up on his dream. The Braunschweig Löwen basketball player definitely wants to be part of the squad at the World Cup (from August 25). In the main round of the easyCredit Bundesliga, he made a strong application as the best German pitcher. With an average of 17.6 points, he almost single-handedly led the lions to 14th place and thus to staying in the class.

The 1.98 meter tall shooting guard also showed his skills in the national jersey. On the way to the highlight in Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines, Kramer scored 136 points in ten qualifying games – top value in the German team. Still, he’s not sure of his World Cup ticket.

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The competition in the German selection for captain Dennis Schröder is too great. National coach Gordon Herbert announced a few weeks ago that the entire twelve-man squad from last year’s European Championships, who sensationally won bronze in their own country, will also receive an invitation to prepare for the World Cup. At that time, Krämer had been sorted out shortly before the start of the tournament.

There are also stars like NBA player Moritz Wagner or Bavaria’s Issac Bonga, who missed the European Championships injured. Barcelona’s Oscar da Silva is also a new option for the squad. There isn’t much room left for Kramer. But he hasn’t given up. In order to avoid a similar disappointment as last year, Kramer has developed a special summer plan.

Two personal trainers in Los Angeles

WORLD knows the details: Kramer is currently recovering on vacation in Greece with his girlfriend. Personal preparation begins on June 1st. Then the native Slovakian travels to Los Angeles to improve his form with two private coaches. “That’s where I have my basketball coach and my strength and conditioning coach. I train several times a day and also do a lot of video analysis,” explains Krämer.

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The professional reveals what a typical day in his basketball boot camp looks like: At 7.30 a.m. there is a strength unit, depending on the day upper body, lower body or legs are trained. Balls come into play at 2:30 p.m. “We work on my weaknesses, such as dribbling or shot creation. In addition to my coach, I have a ‘temporary’ who plays the defender. We train hard for two hours,” explains Krämer.

After the basketball session, we eat. In the evening, Kramer stands at the basket again. It can get late at times. “From 11 p.m. to midnight I then do another hour of pure throwing to improve the throw,” says the international.

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During the week he runs this program four days, on a day there are only two instead of three units. At the weekend, Krämer takes it easy: “There is only light training and regeneration.”

Kramer is still looking for a club

It is a great effort that Krämer makes for the big goal. “It’s about learning new things and getting better. If my name comes up for the World Cup, I’ll be ready,” he says. At the beginning of August, the German tournament preparation begins with a course in Bonn. Until then, Kramer wants to be in top form.

Incidentally, he will also be looking for a new club in the coming weeks. His contract in Braunschweig is expiring, it is – despite the lack of official confirmation from the club – an open secret that Krämer is looking for a new challenge after two years with the lions.

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His goal: “To play European in an international competition.” So Krämer would like to be accommodated by a Champions or Euroleague club if possible. The NBA also has Krämer on the list, who was able to prove himself with the Phoenix Suns in 2019 but did not make it into the final squad for the season. The restriction: “Only if a concrete offer comes. I’m not 21 anymore, to put it a bit in the G-League (US league with NBA club farm teams, ed.) To taste.”


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