Baseball: Under 18, the feat of the Skatch Boves that beats the undefeated Rebels Avigliana

Important victory for Skatch Boves in the internal meeting with the very strong Rebels Avigliana for the fourth day of the Under 18 championship. technically exceptional for the category.

Pellegrino, Peῆa and Del Marco asked the team to face the challenge with the aim of learning from the opponent, trying to dare and play with grit and competence. Perhaps it was precisely this awareness and mental serenity that made it possible to play a spectacular game, the best of this championship, especially from a defensive point of view.

On the mound, the work was nothing short of crazy: Giacomo Boarino, starting pitcher, in four innings had only 2 hits and made 6 k, with the score still at 1-0 for the Rebels.

In the second inning, the Bovesans managed to fill the bases, but the Rebels defense didn’t allow any runs; in the third attack Matteo Ariaudo made a two-base hit from the center fielder, but unfortunately despite the aggressiveness on the bases the inning ended scoreless.

In the bottom of the fourth inning, Skatch’s attack began to bear fruit: Elias Pessione opened the ball with a two-base hit and, pushed by the hits of Filippo Meinero and Enrico Malgioglio, scored the first run, followed by from that of Meinero. At 2-1 for Boves, the prominence Matteo Ariaudo rose on the mound, with the task of keeping the opposing clubs at bay, carried out very well.

The fifth inning passed on the sly, in the sixth the Bovesani began to savor the taste of victory: Boarino started with a one-base hit, Tommaso Cavallo continued with a two-base hit and Elias Pessione concluded with a fantastic sprint sacrifice on the right outside which allowed Boarino to score the third point for Boves.

In the seventh and final inning, Tommaso Cavallo got on the mound, with tension high and the Rebels not going to lose. With the score still at 3-1 for the hosts and with a great cheer in the respective benches, Cavallo, after a few weeks of absence due to injury, faced the first batter, who didn’t score; the second had a two-run hit, a wild pitch and a field pick gave the Rebels a 3-2 lead. Then the third batter, who touched the ball, but the assistance Ariaudo-Meinero eliminated the runner, with the Bovesani who were able to celebrate for a super victory.

Great satisfaction for the coaches Pellegrino, Peῆa and Del Marco, who commented: “This game highlighted the true potential of the team: in the defensive phase there was grit, determination and character; in attack there were 22 balls touched out of 25 appearances at the plate, putting the opposing defense under pressure for the entire duration of the match. The all-round work that we have been carrying out for a few weeks is making the kids grow aware of their technical and athletic potential”.

Now the youth championships stop for the 2023 Regions Tournament, which will be held in Tuscany on 2, 3 and 4 June. There are eight Skatch Baseball Boves athletes who will join the Piedmontese representatives of the Little, Junior and Senior League. A big good luck to all the boys.

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2023-05-31 14:26:52
#Baseball #feat #Skatch #Boves #beats #undefeated #Rebels #Avigliana


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