Baseball: Another split for the Hard Bulls – Hard

The Bulls are enjoying today’s split against the Diving Ducks!
©Hard Bulls Baseball

Another double header in the Baseball Bundesliga was scheduled for the Hard Bulls on Saturday. This time, the Diving Ducks from Wiener Neustadt, who are currently in second place in the table, were guests at Ballpark Hard.

The first encounter between Bulls and Diving Ducks started on Saturday at 1 p.m. in bright sunshine. The guests took advantage of an error in the first inning and took the lead by two runs. But the hosts responded shortly afterwards with a run as well. As the game progressed, it became more and more of a pitcher duel. Moritz Widemschek (Bulls) and Eoghan Mc Garry (Diving Ducks) showed extremely strong performances and kept the game balanced for quite a long time. Only after the guests changed pitcher did the Bulls finally equalize to 2:2. Unfortunately, Moritz Widemschek ran out of strength after six innings and his successor Jonas Zimmermann also lost control of the Diving Ducks. The guests from Wiener Neustadt managed three more runs, whereas the Bulls couldn’t score any more runs on the closing pitcher Moritz Scheicher. Game 1 went to the Wiener Neustadt Diving Ducks with a deserved score of 2:5.

The second game of the day was also a classic pitcher duel, which was very even for most of the time. Kelvis Palma (Bulls) and Rick van Dijck (Diving Ducks) performed well and only allowed a few runs. Although the guests scored a run in the first inning, the Bulls managed to take a 3-1 lead in the 5th inning. The Diving Ducks caught up in the 8th inning, but the hosts won the second game 3-2.

2023-05-21 14:54:51
#Baseball #split #Hard #Bulls #Hard


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