BALL – WOMEN’S LEAGUE 2 (FINAL GO PLAYOFF). Chartres takes lightning in a molten Cosec de Charnay

Charnay – Chartres


Chartres are the only Ligue 2 team to remain undefeated against Charnay at the end of the regular season. A “feat” to be combined now in the past because Stéphane Leite and his players have succeeded where they had failed twice a few months earlier. Through patience and commitment. However, at the break, nothing suggested it since the Pinkies were trailing by 7 points (33-40).

-10 to 22e

They had to wait 119 seconds and a bonus basket from Diana Balaera to open the scoring (3-1, 2e ). The start of the match looked like a fight as expected. But the Charnaysian shots did not find their target. With only one success in 9 attempts (11%), the Pinkies were in great difficulty, conceding an 0-7 (5-10, 5e ). But gradually found…

2023-05-13 21:48:53
#BALL #WOMENS #LEAGUE #FINAL #PLAYOFF #Chartres #takes #lightning #molten #Cosec #Charnay


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