Badajoz hosts the 34th closure of the municipal sports schools |

Badajoz hosts the 34th closure of the municipal sports schools |

Juancho Pérez, Councilor for Sports, has presented the 34th closure of the municipal sports schools.

He recalled the actual participation of a total of 3,800 children in the various sports activities provided by the Municipal Sports Foundation (FMD). He has highlighted the high intervention in skating, with 670 children, followed by soccer, psychomotor skills, pre-sports games, swimming and artistic gymnastics. Daily participation is 92%.

The FMD is very happy with the collaboration received. There have been 61 sports facilities used with a total of 304 groups and 65 monitors. The lieutenant assures that “we get the kids to have a more direct relationship with their sport and their club.”

The participating clubs have been the La Parra model airplane Club, Badajoz Athletics Club, Badajoz Popular Basketball Group, Pacense Handball Union Club, Extremadura Boxing Federation, Adex Club, Extremadura Canoeing Club and Badajoz Canoeing Club, Pacense Triathlon Club and Maristas Sports Club. There are eight improvement groups that include chess, athletics, badminton, handball, swimming, artistic gymnastics, skating and paddle tennis.

In addition, they have several specialized care groups. At Los Ángeles School, they have a pre-sports play group and, at the Ntra. Sra. de la Luz Special Education Center, they have two psychomotor groups. “One of the groups that offers the most results is chess,” reports Pérez. Chess at CEIP Pedro de Alcántara and chess and badminton at CEIP Santa Engracia stand out.

The delegate recalls that “what the Badajoz city council does with the municipal sports schools through the FMD and the clubs is something unique and you can see anywhere in Spain that there is no administration that is capable of having 4,000 kids doing sports in their schools”


The 34th closing edition will take place next Saturday, May 20 at the Granadilla Sports Pavilion.

At 09:00 the buses will leave to take the children to the activity. The entrance time to the pavilion is at 09:45, with the reception of the boys and the gift of a detail. The children will go to the pool with their monitors to close the groups.

The parade will begin at 11:00 a.m. and end at 12:30 p.m., when parents can pick up their children. Those who do not return home at that time may stay in the pool until 2:30 p.m.

They expect a total of 2,500 children and 323 teachers. Pérez describes them as “great professionals who give the necessary hours to see the kids enjoy themselves.” In addition, a group of 20 kids from UPEX, participants in the ‘Re-evolve’ program, will collaborate with them.

2023-05-17 20:38:26
#Badajoz #hosts #34th #closure #municipal #sports #schools


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