A person faces a very serious penalty for insulting and threatening a basketball referee in Rianxo

The Rianxo Local Police proceeded last weekend to identify a person as the alleged perpetrator of a very serious violation of Law 19/2007, of July 11, against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, and which could entail an economic sanction that would range between 60,000 and 650,000 euros, in addition to other measures, such as the prohibition of access to any sports venue for a period between two and five years. The events that led to this intervention took place on Saturday, May 6, due to an incident that forced the suspension of a basketball game that was being played in the Campo Maneiro sports hall, in the parish of Taragoña.

The Civil Guard requested the support of the municipal agents, who were present at the scene of the event and learned that a few moments before an individual had broken into the playing field insulting and threatening the match referee, thereby forcing the collegiate team to agree to the suspension of the match, circumstances that were recorded in the federative act that was sent to the Galician Basketball Federation, and that may lead to the imposition of a very serious sanction included in the aforementioned regulations. Once the police intervention ended, it was possible to continue normally with the sports activities scheduled at said facility.

2023-05-09 22:04:05
#person #faces #penalty #insulting #threatening #basketball #referee #Rianxo


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