A fight between students escalates near the Ruche school in Magog

According to the Régie de police de Memphrémagog (RPM), the story began on Thursday with a teenager who allegedly damaged mopeds with rocks. A discussion on social networks led students to identify two alleged perpetrators, then to organize to claim their due.

Always according to RPM, about forty students intimidated, especially verbally, the two people targeted during the weekend. A citizen even tried to ease the tension, without success.

The students then met at 4 p.m. Monday at the school grounds. The two targeted students had a baseball bat, a machete and a tomahawk artisanal.

<q data-attributes="{"lang":{"value":"fr","label":"Français"},"value":{"html":"On a reçu une dizaine d'appels sur la ligne 911about a major fight that was going on near the school. All our patrollers headed towards the scene and they noticed that there was a large crowd of young people. Finally, they proceeded to identify six young people in particular who fought and who had injuries”,”text”:”We received a dozen calls on the 911 line about a major fight that was in progress near the school. All our patrollers headed towards the scene and they noticed that there was a large crowd of young people. Finally, they proceeded to identify six young people in particular who had fought and who had injuries”}}”>We received a dozen calls on the 911 line about a major fight that was going on near the school. All our patrollers headed towards the scene and they noticed that there was a large crowd of young people. Eventually, they proceeded to identify six young people in particular who fought and suffered injuries.relates the lieutenant of the RPM Carl Pepin.

When the fight broke out, one of the two teenagers attacked chased another with his machete, without hurting him. There RPM reports, however, that armed assaults were committed on the spot.

This is why five students were arrested and then released on a promise to appear.

« The peculiarity, in this fight, is that one of the protagonists had a machete, a baseball bat, and there is even one who received a scooter in the face. […] It was really a big fight. »

A quote from Carl Pépin, Lieutenant of the RPM

As the chicane was filmed, videos were seized and more arrests are expected. An intervention is also being prepared with the students involved.

Young people who witnessed the fight were disturbed by what they saw.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Guylaine Charette

I’ve seen the videos, and it’s very disturbing. We are very lucky that there were no serious injuries. […] It could have gone very wrongadds Carl Pépin.

Everyone was scared

The fight was the hot topic of conversation for many teenagers interviewed by Radio-Canada near La Ruche school on Tuesday noon.

« Everyone was scared. The world was crying. It really wasn’t a pretty sight. There could have been lives, yesterday, at stake. We laugh a little today, but yesterday, it was really not fun. »

A quote from Un adolescent

Monday evening, several students gathered to witness the fight, which the police denounce.

There’s zero benefit to going to an altercation like that, to getting together. All it did was encourage a band to be tougher, braver, but it could have gone wrongmaintains Carl Pépin.

The young people present, however, did not expect such an outcome.

At the base, it is a problem of money then of the breaking of scooter. It ended in a general battle, and unfortunately, there are things that should not have happenednoted a teenager on Tuesday.

Citizen Audrey Tardif also witnessed the events, since she happened to pass near the scene of the fight.

There are about twenty young people, if not more, who descended from the Hive. It was spoken really violently. I didn’t flinch too much at first, but I saw that it was starting to get violent, that it was starting to punch each other. Afterwards, I also saw a boy pull out a big knife, a machete, I believe. When I saw this, I went back to my mother to take refugeshe says.

According to students, it is inevitable that such an incident will happen again, since two groups would clash regularly.

Every day, we are threatened by the big gang. […] When we try to talk about it, nobody tries to fix anything, it starts againdenounced a young person.

While the investigation continues, the Régie de police and the school team want to put in place an intervention plan to avoid, precisely, that it starts again.

The Center de services scolaire des Sommets declined Radio-Canada’s request for an interview. The priority of the administration is currently to manage this situation with the school team and to take care of the students.says one in an email.

With information from Guylaine Charette

2023-05-17 21:54:14
#fight #students #escalates #Ruche #school #Magog


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