“You always have to move, otherwise you lose”: discovering Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a sport where respect is king

Inspired by the judo practiced by Japanese samurai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu focuses on ground combat. In this discipline, precision of movement and technique are more important than strength.

If we take the example of boxing, if someone has a big frame and he puts a blow on someone who is lighter, it will be more complicated for the latter to be able to defend himself, whereas jiu- brazilian jitsu no. Someone lighter can beat someone heavier“, explains a trainer.

This sport can be learned from the age of three and has different belt grades. If the discipline prohibits the blows, it includes however many catches and this martial art is based on the capacity to defend itself and the control of its adversary: ​​a sport more intense than in appearance.

“You always have to move, otherwise you lose”, warns a practitioner. “There are times when we can breathe a little more, but it will always depend on the other. If in a position one is calm, the other will have to accelerate“.

The teaching is also based on respect for the opponent before, but also after the fight. “We need each other, if the other is not there, we don’t know how to train. Salvation and respect are very important“.

There is also capoeira

Going from jiu-jitsu to capoeira is a question of movements and rhythm. This discipline has its roots in the fighting techniques of African peoples from the time of slavery in Brazil. “It is the only martial art where music is integral to the practice“, says the coach of the club.

From a violent sport, capoeira becomes a spectacular dance based on speed: between folklore and sports discipline. And if football remains the king sport in Brazil, jiu-jitsu and capoeira are among the most popular sports.

2023-04-23 04:26:58
#move #lose #discovering #Brazilian #jiujitsu #sport #respect #king


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