Women’s basketball game in Havana ends in riotous fight

CubitaNOW Writing ~ Monday April 3, 2023

The women’s basketball teams of Havana and Santiago de Cuba ended a recent game in a riotous fight that was caught on camera.

The images of what happened arrive this Monday on social networks from the journalist Mario Vallejo, who assured that the events were recorded in the Ramon Font room.

“To blows! This is how the women’s basketball match between the teams from Havana and Santiago de Cuba ended,” reported the Cuban reporter.

“All as part of the top league of that sport. It happened in the Ramon Font room in the Cuban capital, ”he argued along with a video in which details of the“ confrontation ” can be seen.

In the audiovisual broadcast by the communicator, you can see how the young women fight in a heated moment, while coaches allegedly enter the playing area.

Meanwhile, from the stands of the room you can hear the screams of the fans impressed by the fight that broke out between the athletes.

The reactions of the users have not been long in coming. While some regret the incident, others ask not to mention it, claiming that it is an incident that occurs frequently in sports.

“Those who went to watch basketball ended up watching gladiator battles in a ‘Roman coliseum’, an all against all… This is the revolutionary sport, a band of mediocre and aggressive people; these savages are the same ones that carry out the acts of repudiation against the Cuban citizens themselves,” said one.

“But I am nothing more than sure that it was all due to bad arbitration without justifying the bad attitude of the athletes, the first thing to review is the arbitration in a general sense in our country,” added another.

“That happens anywhere. In the MLB, NBA, Mexican league, or they don’t watch sports, they issue a couple of fines and nothing else happens, they stay at home. They want to mix everything with politics,” someone else said.

“What a shame for God, events like these throw us on the floor more every day, we returned to the era of cavemen,” lamented another Internet user.

And it is true, this type of fight usually occurs between athletes. In 2022, for example, a confrontation was reported in an NBA game between the Detroit Pistons and Orlando Magic quintets that left a player unconscious due to a blow to the head, three expulsions, possibly more sanctions and surely fines. astronomy on the way

The brawl broke out with half a minute to go in the second quarter, when Magic center Moe Wagner and Piston guard Killiam Hayes battled for a ball that had practically gone around the perimeter of Detroit’s bench.

The images showed the player of German origin pushing Hayes with his hip, who went to fall on his roster mates.

Immediately, Hamidou Diallo gave Wagner a hard shove, while Hayes reappeared on the scene to deliver a vicious elbow to the opposing player on the base of the head. The Orlando Magic center collapsed to the ground for a few seconds, while he was surrounded by the opposing bench and players from both teams pushed each other.

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