While details are still scarce, MLB effort in Salt Lake City may have stronger legs for expansion

While there had been whispers, when the announcement that a group of civic and business leaders in Utah was putting together an effort to attract Major League Baseball to Salt Lake City, it may have been easy to write it off as just another market making noise. with nothing significant to back it up. But digging deeper, if effort can keep his center in anticipation of when expansion might occur, they seem positioned to be a serious player.

The group, Big League Utah, has been quietly building its coalition, a site location, and most importantly, people with resources to help fund not just a ballpark, but expansion expenses. While there will always be debates about which markets provide sustainability in the fan base, corporate sponsor pool, size of the media market, and how long ballpark projects are outdoors, the major factor for MLB will be always focused on funding.

The reason to take the Salt Lake effort seriously centers on the Miller family and the Larry H. Miller Company as a driver. Larry Miller owned the Utah Jazz and since his passing Gail Miller has been the matriarch of the enterprise. Based on Forbes ratings, he has a net worth of $4 billion, some of which was earned through the sale of Jazz which comes in at just under $2 billion.

“We believe in the power of sports to uplift and unify communities,” Miller said, as part of a statement from Big League Utah. “Larry and I risked everything to acquire Utah Jazz, and it has been a huge honor to ensure it thrives as a model franchise. Now we have the opportunity to welcome Major League Baseball to Utah and invite all Utah residents to join us in this effort.”

Unlike Portland and Nashville, which have been the most high-profile markets to have boosters looking to lure Major League Baseball, Utah’s effort lists the financial partners involved in the effort. While it’s unclear if there are any binding deals, how much is being invested, or if they’re investing at all, the list does see some high-profile individuals. The first question many asked was whether the Romneys could be involved. While former governor, presidential candidate, and current U.S. Senator Mitt isn’t listed as part of Big League Utah, his son Tagg Romney is. He is currently co-founder and managing partner of Solamere Capital. Solamere appears to be a key part of the effort as Spencer Zwick, the co-founder of Solamere, is also listed as part of the effort. Solamere says it is a $2 billion multi-strategy private equity investment firm founded in 2008, which could help raise additional funds needed to cover what could be up to $4 billion needed to finance a baseball field and expansion expenses . Other business leaders listed include Scott Anderson, President and CEO, Zions Bank; Lew Cramer, CEO, Colliers International; Kem Gardner, President, Gardner Company.

The bigger question that has not yet been answered is how much private money or public money will be involved. Major League Baseball is no exception to other leagues in the United States in seeking public funds as part of any ballpark development. In almost all cases, the league will seek the majority of funding from the public side over the private side in order not to set a precedent for other franchises to follow. At least initially, the political backing of the effort reads like a who’s who in Utah politics. Key to the effort, Governor Spencer Cox is but one.

“Utah has the strongest economy in the country, is a top 30 media market, and is the fastest growing state with the youngest population,” Cox said in the announcement. “These are the ingredients for a Major League Baseball market. As the crossroads of the West, Utah has successfully hosted major sporting events, such as the 2002 Winter Olympics and two NBA All-Star Games, and is home to thriving professional and collegiate sports teams. We boast the greatest snow on Earth, five national parks and 46 state parks. We’re on the radar and pushing as hard as we can.

Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall is also on board saying, “Salt Lake City is definitely poised to be the new home of Major League Baseball. The infrastructure we already have – from our world-class international airport, to our robust public transportation system, our hotel and hospitality sectors, and our arts, culture and entertainment community – make us perfect for this evolution. Our capital and the residents of North Temple near the Power District are ready for an investment like this, and I welcome the opportunity to continue to grow this cultural and economic center of our great state and region.”

In a sign that the state legislature, at least initially, will not be a roadblock, both Utah Senate Speaker Stuart Adams and Utah House Speaker Brad Wilson have signed off. Other supporters include US Senator Mike Lee, Mitt Romney, Congressman John Curtis, Congressman Blake Moore, Congressman Burgess Owens, Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson, County Mayor Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson and Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson supporting state and regional politicians across the spectrum for what will be needed when rubber hits the road with funding.

The MLB effort in Portland has Russell Wilson and Ciara for a celebrity face while Nashville boasts Eddie George and Phillies president of baseball operations, Dave Dombrowski. For the MLB effort in Utah, NFL Hall of Famer and three-time Super Bowl champion Steve Young is listed. But what might be more significant is that former two-time MLB MVP and all-star Dale Murphy is part of the effort. Murphy played high school ball in Portland and was seen at more than one MLB event in Portland. The move to Utah, where he lives, signals a shift in which he sees his possibilities.

“After nearly two decades of playing in MLB, I know what it takes for a city to successfully host professional baseball. Salt Lake City has it all: a young and growing population, a prime ballpark location, a booming economy, and a dedicated community of supporters,” Murphy said.

As noted, a key factor is that a favorite site has already been targeted with a path to purchase. Rocky Mountain Power is a partner in Big League Utah and that is key as they just pioneered what is called the Power District Project which includes a new headquarters for the company. The district is a 100 acre mixed use development.

“The Power District is ideally located between Salt Lake City International Airport and downtown,” said Gary Hoogeveen, chief executive officer of Rocky Mountain Power. “A ballpark within our new development will be uniquely located near I-80 and North Temple along UTA’s light rail line and will offer breathtaking views of the city skyline and the Wasatch Mountains “.

Other key partners include the architectural firm Populous, which has been involved with nearly all of MLB’s ballpark efforts of late, and Mortenson on the construction side, which has built several ballparks, most recently with Truist Park of the Braves. Mortensen is the general contractor for the first phase of the Power District.

While Utah’s effort looks great on paper, the expansion itself appears to be five or more years away. While MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred has repeatedly said he sees the league as a growing industry with 32 teams as a target, game changes like universal DH and the interleague are now commonplace, which sets up for regional realignment with expansion, nothing happens on those fronts until the ballparks for the Athletics and the Rays are completed. Both have argued for nearly two decades. Both are yet to have a fixed timeline for completion. For all the growing markets pining for MLB, including Salt Lake City, perhaps the biggest challenge will be maintaining downtown for what could be years before the possibility of moving actually occurs. Politicians are likely to come and go. Development in the Power District can only be held back for so long. Investors can be difficult to retain as part of the capital stack. As the well-worn baseball cliché goes at the start of every season, hope is eternal. Initially at least, the MLB effort in Utah has reasons to be hopeful.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/maurybrown/2023/04/13/while-details-still-thin-the-mlb-to-salt-lake-city-effort-may-have-the- legs-stronger-for-expansion/


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