Werder Bremen banned ex-goalkeeper Tim Wiese from the stadium

The former love affair between Tim Wiese and Werder Bremen continues to crumble.

Werder confirmed to “Bild” that a stadium ban was imposed on the early goalkeeper. Wiese is repeatedly associated with the right-wing scene – Werder expressly wants to distance itself from that.

Wiese, who played in Bremen’s goal between 2005 and 2012, was banned from the traditional team at the end of 2022, but then apologized and made it clear that he “didn’t belong to an extreme political camp”, “neither on the right nor on the left”.

The 41-year-old continued: “I’m a big fan of multiculturalism and I live it every day in my circle of friends. Right-wing ideas or racist behavior are completely alien to me.” Wiese was then allowed to play again for Bremen’s traditional team.

It is unclear why Werder are now again distancing themselves from their ex-keeper and even imposing a stadium ban.


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