Wang Menghui announced the opening of the 16th Hubei Provincial Games to be held in Yichang- Local Information- Market Information Network

Wang Menghui announced the opening of the 16th Hubei Provincial Games in Yichang

Market Information Network 2023-04-13 16:10:17 Source: People’s Daily Online Comments:

Hero Hubei, vitality Yichang. On the evening of April 12, the opening ceremony of the 16th Hubei Provincial Games was held at the Yichang Olympic Sports Center. Wang Menghui, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, attended and announced the opening. Provincial leaders Chen Xinwu, Liu Xuerong, Shao Xinyu, Zhang Weiguo and others attended the opening ceremony.

Under the night, the Yichang Olympic Sports Center is radiant and dazzling. In the stadium shaped like a lily, there were no empty seats and the crowd was excited.

At 20:00, the opening ceremony began. Accompanied by the passionate melody, eight armed police soldiers marched sonorously, holding high the bright five-star red flag, and entered the venue, followed by the flags of the Hubei Provincial Games and the 16th Provincial Games.

Subsequently, representatives of referees and athletes from 29 delegations from various cities and prefectures in the province (directly administered cities, Shennongjia Forest District), provincial government agencies, industry sports associations, and central enterprises in Hubei formed a square formation and entered the field in turn. Nearly 16,000 spectators welcomed them with warm applause and cheers.

After the entrance ceremony, everyone stood up and sang the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China. The bright five-star red flag is rising slowly and fluttering in the wind.

At 20:34, Wang Menghui announced the opening of the 16th Hubei Provincial Games.

Accompanied by the wonderful melody of the anthem of the 16th Provincial Games, the flag of the Provincial Games and the flag of the 16th Provincial Games were slowly raised. Representatives of athletes, coaches and referees took the oath respectively.

At the opening ceremony, a large-scale cultural and sports performance was held with the theme of “The Gorge Opens to the Sky and Chu Tianshu”. After the show, a torch relay and main torch lighting ceremony was held. The dazzling torch was passed to Zhao Yunlei, a badminton Olympic champion from Yichang, under the relay of Hubei athletes such as Liu Faying, a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Liu Huixia, an Olympic diving champion, Xiao Hailiang, an Olympic diving champion, Yang Wei, an Olympic gymnastics champion, and Li Xiaoshuang, an Olympic gymnastics champion. . In the end, Zhao Yunlei held the torch high, ran vigorously, and lit the main torch tower in the eyes of everyone. Gorgeous fireworks rose into the sky, and the whole stadium suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Vice Governor Shao Xinyu. Xiong Zhengyu, secretary of the Yichang Municipal Party Committee, delivered a welcome speech. Sailor, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, delivered an opening speech.

The current sports meeting is sponsored by the provincial government and undertaken by the Provincial Sports Bureau and Yichang Municipal Government. The competition consists of three categories: youth sports, mass sports, and social clubs, with a total of 111 major events and 2,108 minor events. The total number of participants will reach more than 30,000, the largest scale ever. (Reporters Zhang Jin, Rao Yangcan, Lei Weiwei)

Editor in charge: Niu Yuhang


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