Vitucci: Step back, mentally turned off

Home defeat for Happy Casa Brindisi at Pentassuglia for 73-86 at the hands of Dolomiti Energia Trentino.

These are the words of coach Frank Vitucci in the press room: “Modest performance, the numbers are quite evident for low percentages and few team assists. They played a tricky game, putting us in difficulty physically and we struggled in attack and one-on-one. A step backwards that is also difficult to explain, now we have to analyze it with a clear mind. We seemed mentally dull after a long series of positive performances beyond the results. Sorry for the stake and the overturned points difference. Now it’s important to regain energy, recover Lamb who I believe will be in the game and be ready for the away game in Brescia“.

2023-04-23 21:02:59
#Vitucci #Step #mentally #turned


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