Top Premier League game: A storm called Manchester City – Sport

Pep Guardiola’s team swept over Arsenal FC in an unequal top game, and the renewed championship seemed inevitable. While City relies on a new robustness, the Londoners lack maturity.

The Arsenal FC players followed the scene almost intimidated. Most looked down with a hunched posture, captain Martin Ödegaard even buried his face in his shirt after a bad pass. In the stands, 55,000 fans danced the so-called Poznań in the stands after Manchester City scored a crucial third goal in Wednesday night’s Premier League game, a show of joy as spectators turned their backs on the field and hooked each other’s shoulders to get on the place to jump. Seconds became more than two minutes before the match resumed as the home side took a drink break after the already excessive celebrations to continue savoring the moment. Watching their opponents cheer must have been far more disheartening for the Londoners than defeat and the loss of sovereignty in the Premier League title race.


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