Too much pressure as a professional | Giannis almost retired from the NBA – US-SPORTS NBA BASKETBALL

Too much pressure as a professional |  Giannis almost retired from the NBA – US-SPORTS NBA BASKETBALL

Every NBA fan knows Giannis Antetokounmpo (28) as a real rock in the surf. But three years ago the “Greek Freak” almost ended his career. The NBA star is now talking about the downsides of his mega career:

“In 2020 I was ready to leave the game behind”says Giannis in an interview with the newspaper “Milwaukee Journal Sentinel”.

“If something doesn’t make me happy, I let it be. Then I don’t want to do it,” adds Gianni. “I just stay at home with my kids, with my family and try to be happy. I do not care. And that was just when I signed the biggest contract in NBA history.”

The NBA star’s near-retirement came a week before the start of the 2020 season, just after Giannis signed his new five-year, $228 million contract.

“Of course everyone looks at me like I’m crazy. ‘You just signed the biggest contract in NBA history and now you want to leave the game and all the money behind you?’ […] But that’s not important to me. happiness is important to me. I am a happy person. My father had nothing, he had us. He was the richest person in the world because he had his children,” explains Giannis in an interview.

Too much pressure to be “the best player in the world”.

Fans worldwide know Giannis Antetokounmpo. But being a true superstar also comes with a lot of pressure. For the 28-year-old, being “the best player in the world” is almost a burden:

“I was in Orlando. I was walking through a hotel and there were three small children. […] This woman, probably there with her grandchildren, she was about 55, 60. She was my mother’s age. And the kids were younger, like 5, 6, 7. She said, ‘Hey guys, do you know who this is?’ No, they had no idea. […] Then she turned around and said, ‘That’s the best player in the world.'”

“Yes, it’s good to hear that, but it’s a lot of pressure. […] To be the best you have to play like the best. You have to train like the best. You have to handle yourself like you’re the best, which isn’t easy.” Giannis then adds, “As much as people say I’m good at it because that’s my personality… it’s hard.”

Luckily for Milwaukee Bucks supporters, Giannis hasn’t decided to retire after all. Instead, he led his team to their first NBA title in over 50 years in 2021.

2023-04-16 13:13:59
#pressure #professional #Giannis #retired #NBA #USSPORTS #NBA #BASKETBALL


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