Thousands of people from Tandil enjoyed the Bicentennial Sports Day

The day began shortly before 2:00 p.m. with the warm-up for the bicentennial runner-up. The 1,000 registrants, including runners and walkers, set out from the Parque del Origen to the Municipal Sports Center on a route of just over 4,000 meters.

Simultaneously, a massive cycling caravan left the Cycling Track in the North Park to tour different sectors of the city and arrive at the Lago del Fuerte area around 3:00 p.m., where all the activities planned for the festive afternoon were concentrated.

For about three hours in different stations located around the lake, the public was able to enjoy the different proposals that included more than 30 sports disciplines, as well as samples of dances and gyms and aerobic choreography.

In the Industry and Commerce Park there were traditional games, a climbing arena, table tennis, gym demonstrations, tricking and taekwondo. In the Curvón del Dique, football, golf, medieval combat, slacklining and horse riding activities took place.

At the same time, on the tennis courts in the Club Náutico area, the young tennis player from Tandil Sol Larraya Guidi rallied with a group of girls and boys, on the Paseo de los Españoles they played soccer, rugby, hockey and archery and in a from the hands of Av. Saavedra Lamas, who remained closed to traffic, organized the skate race.

For its part, in the Fuerte Nautical Center, spaces were allocated for chess, badminton, canoeing, swimming, fishing and newcom. While in Zarini street, competition cars of different categories were exhibited.

Artistic gymnastics, handball, figure skate, volleyball, paramotor and open indoor cycle classes were held at the Municipal Sports Center.

At the same time, tennis, basketball, model airplanes, aerobic choreography and dance samples, and Zumba classes were held in the Lake Parking Lot.

On the stage located in that sector, the great closing was held with the show of the local band Los Tapitas, which brought together many of the people who enjoyed the activities in the different stations during the afternoon.

While touring the area and practicing some of the disciplines, Mayor Miguel Lunghi assured that “it fills us with joy to see all these people enjoying the activities and celebrating the bicentennial of the city. As we have already said, this is the bicentennial of Tandil , everyone’s bicentennial, and that is why we try to celebrate it this month and the rest of the year with proposals in which the entire community can participate and in different public spaces that we Tandilians enjoy and share as a family on a daily basis”.

“At the same time, all this great participation demonstrates the importance of sports, the practice of physical activity and healthy habits for our community. This is undoubtedly very important because for some time we have been working on the development of public policies to have a healthy Tandil and seeing all these people practicing sports shows us that we are progressing in a good way”, he assured.

Finally, he stressed that “today we had a great day of meeting, social integration and coexistence in diversity. He wants to highlight and thank especially the work and support of all the clubs and sports or artistic institutions that joined this proposal and that usually fulfill a fundamental role in the development of our girls and boys”.

The Director of Sports, Carlos Ilero, also highlighted the work of the members of the institutions that were part of a table that worked for several months in the organization of the event and gave them awards in recognition of the work they did.

The festivities will continue this Sunday with the inauguration of the Argentinosaurus and creative space with Milo Lockett and Manuel Paz in the Parque del Origen. The great party for children and families will begin at 3:00 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. the artistic activity will take place in which Paz and Lockett will work on creations with hundreds of girls and boys, who will be distributed in groups in different sectors of the green space .

At 4:45 p.m. on stage the show “Guiso de la risa” will be presented by the companies: Lupa, puppets and dolls/ La Ñata Roja/ Vitorito and Sommier. In turn, during the day there will be clowns, living statues and jugglers on the property, and María Cieri and Emanuel Alcalá will produce snacks engraved with designs from Tandil.

2023-04-16 00:07:16
#Thousands #people #Tandil #enjoyed #Bicentennial #Sports #Day


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